Benevento, evening dedicated to astronomy
The WWF Oasis "Lago di Campolattaro" turns its gaze to the stars
Benevento, evening dedicated to astronomy
Wednesday August 24 the“A DIVE INTO THE UNIVERSE” event, an evening dedicated to Astronomy with Anthony Pepe, Director of the Sannio Astronomical Observatory.
At 18pm you can visit the oasis with a nature walk, discovering the scents, the nocturnal fauna and the silence interrupted only by the sounds of biodiversity.
From 21pm the tour of the starry sky will begin with laser pointing and descriptions of stars, constellations, star clusters, planets, nebulae, artificial satellites, galaxies, etc.: star clusters, nebulae, galaxies and planets will be observed through astronomical binoculars and electronic telescopes.
A contribution of 6 euros will be required to cover the costs of the event and the end-of-evening snack as well as for the management of the Oasis.
For info and reservations: 324 981 7139
THECampolattaro Lake Oasis it is an important wetland (EU Special Protection Area) around the artificial reservoir of Tammaro. With its 20 years of history, the environment is characterized by the hygrophilous forest of willows, poplars and alders, the marshy areas with common reeds and cattails, the mixed forests of oaks and downy oaks with maples, ash, rowans and hornbeams, the meadow environments of medium hills. Among expanses of broom, daffodils, violets, daisies and many orchids flourish.
The avifauna is very rich, with at least 100 nesting species and just as many passing through or wintering: the colony of heron and cormorant nests (so-called "heronry") is among the most important in southern Italy and also hosts great crested grebe, coot, sandpiper, Mallard; nearby bee-eaters, shrikes, kites and many other species.
There are also numerous mammals, among which the otter stands out, but the biodiversity of the oasis is continually increasing due to the slow evolution of the landscape throughout the area expropriated for the construction of the reservoir.
To reach the WWF Oasis “Lake Campolattaro”: SS.88 Benevento-Campobasso exit Campolattaro.
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