Crotone, attempted murder of Deputy Inspector Sortino. 4 people in prison

Crotone, attempted murder of Deputy Inspector Sortino. 4 people in prison

In the very early hours of the morning, the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Operational Department employee, supported by those of the Calabria Hunters Helicopter Squadron of Vibo Valentia, they arrested, in execution of a Prison Detention Order, issued by the GIP of the Court of Crotone, 4 (four) people, relatives of the deceased, Francesco Chimirri, identified as the presumed perpetrators of the brutal beating committed against the Deputy Inspector of the State Police Giuseppe Sortino on 7 October, investigated, on various counts, for "attempted murder, aggravated", "aggravated personal injury", "resisting and committing violence against a Public Official in complicity", "carrying weapons or objects, capable of causing offence, in complicity" and "damage, aggravated".

In particular, the aforementioned Judicial Authority, accepting the results of the investigations conducted by those operating under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Capital, considered the evidence of guilt against the aforementioned persons to be relevant, who, last October 7th, without any reason, treacherously attacked the aforementioned member of the Police Force, who, while he was going to the Crotone Police Headquarters, where he was supposed to undertake the pre-arranged service, had noticed a car, which was travelling along the SS 106 at a very high speed, with a potentially dangerous speed for other road users and which had already caused two minor collisions with as many vehicles, deciding to follow it and stopping in via Don Giuseppe Puglisi in the Lampanaro district of Crotone, where, after having asked the occupants of the aforementioned vehicle, identified as the deceased, Francesco Chimirri, and his son, for clarifications on their driving conduct and to identify themselves, he was initially beaten by them, also using his truncheon, in individual issue, which he had used only to defend himself from the brutal beating to make them desist.

Crotone, tentato omicidio di un poliziotto. In carcere 4 persone

In the continuation of the event, meticulously reconstructed from the images of private video surveillance cameras, immediately acquired by the operators, from the videos, made by some private citizens and "posted" on the social network Tik Tok, who had witnessed the event from their homes, and from the testimonies given by other subjects, able to report the facts, it was ascertained that the policeman, first beaten only by Francesco Chimirri and his son, had subsequently been joined by their other three family members, recipients of today's provision, who continued their action, in various phases, causing him very serious injuries, which, only by a mere fortuitous and accidental case, did not lead to his death, as well as, one of them, taking up his gun, with which he had shortly before fatally hit one of the attackers, Francesco Chimirri, and attempting to shoot him, when he was on the ground and on his knees.

The identification of the recipients of today's provision occurred, first, thanks to the timeliness of the intervention on site and the immediate acquisition of the most important sources of video evidence, being subsequently corroborated and enriched by the contextual meticulous work of both photographic comparison and reconstruction of the facts to the second, also through telephone interceptions of the suspects., carried out by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the dependent Operations Department, who documented the exact dynamics of the incident, establishing how, from the beginning of the fight, provoked by two of the alleged perpetrators, the Deputy Inspector had identified himself as a member of the Police Force and they, despite this, had continued in their action, even attempting to kill him and irreparably damaging his mobile phone, from which, however, with the help of a technical consultant, appointed by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Crotone, essential sources of evidence were recovered.

At the end of the ritual procedures, the four relatives of Francesco Chimirri were transferred to the Crotone District Prison and placed at the disposal of the Judicial Authority, which issued the precautionary measure.

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