Benevento: the 'Seniors in safety' project presented at Palazzo Mosti for the prevention of elderly people against scams and dangers
Various initiatives for the protection of the elderly, considered a fragile class, especially to combat the phenomenon of scams against them. Also consider meetings to carry out "active ageing".
Benevento: the 'Seniors in safety' project for the prevention of elderly people against scams and dangers was presented at Palazzo Mosti.
Has been presented on the morning of March 10th, in the council chamber of Palazzo Mosti, 'Seniors in safety', project of the municipal administration in partnership with the social cooperative Nuovi Incontri financed by the Ministry of the Interior through the Prefecture of Benevento Background is preferably used for prevention and the contrast scams to elderly.
All conference participated mayor Clemente Mastella, the councilor for social policies Carmen Coppola, the director of the Citizen Services Sector Gennaro Santamaria and the project coordinator Maria Fanzo.
The objective è counteract the phenomenon of scams to the detriment of elderly through monitoring activities of subjects at risk. Multiple The instruments envisaged in the operational plan: neighborhood groups, thematic meetings, promotional videos, an advertising campaign to raise awareness, a dedicated number and a Service Charter and the activation of an urban proximity network.
"It deals with - explains the councilor for social policies Carmen Coppola – of a further piece in the approach integrated and multilevel that characterizes the organisers' activities di welfare e protection of social fragilities. The odious phenomenon of scams against the elderly must be fought both by strengthening prevention and communication activities and by structuring a social and community protection network".
During the meeting the mayor Mastella, after thanking the councilor Coppola, the manager Santamaria and the cooperative partner Nuovi Incontri, he announced other initiatives dedicated to third Age, inspired by the models of reinforcement of the so-called active aging and the dynamic participation of the elderly in social life: "I am in calendar - announced the Mayor - shows afternoons at Municipal theater and musical Sundays in the Villa for free time. As for sociality, the link with the Social Centers will be strengthened, while in terms of assistance, thanks to the Pnrr and Pics funds, in the spring the San Pasquale hotel house and we will open soon the House of Jonas, dedicated to the treatment of Alzheimer's and autism spectrum disorders".
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