
Anti-mafia operation in Crotone: armed association dismantled, 46 arrests for drug trafficking

The association moved large quantities of cocaine, heroin and soft drugs, monopolising distribution in some drug dealing areas of the capital city of Crotone.

Anti-mafia operation in Crotone: armed association dismantled, 46 arrests for drug trafficking

The State Police of Crotone has carried out a precautionary order issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations at the Court of Catanzaro, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office - District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Catanzaro, against 46 subjects (38 detention in prison, 4 house arrest and 4 obligations to report to the Judicial Police) seriously accused, respectively, of belonging to an armed association aimed at the illicit trafficking of narcotics, active in the province of Crotone, as well as drug and weapons related crimes.

The investigations, conducted by the police officers of the Flying Squad, coordinated by the Central Operations Service, supported by complex technical activities, have allowed the acquisition of serious circumstantial evidence regarding the existence of an armed criminal association headed by some individuals from the Pythagorean city, already burdened by previous convictions, all permanently established in the city of Crotone, who, exploiting their criminal experience and their contacts in the territory, are managed to move large quantities of cocaine, heroin and soft drugs, monopolising distribution in some drug dealing areas of the capital city of Crotone.

Operazione antimafia a Crotone: smantellata associazione armata, 46 arresti per traffico di sostanze stupefacenti

Furthermore, the investigations, in addition to confirming the precise information provided by some collaborators of justice, have allowed us to identify the supply channels of the various narcotic substances in several municipalities in the province of Reggio, in the Gioia Tauro plain as well as in the province of Vibo Valentiawhile for what concerns the heroine, They were suppliers, including Albanian nationals, resident in Puglia, have been identified.

During the investigations it also emerged that the group was also dedicated to cultivation of narcotic substance of the marijuana type, furthermore a series of checks were carried out which allowed us to draw conclusions arrest of 31 people in flagrante delicto and seize 2,182 kg of cocaine, 10,31 kg of heroin, 43,72 kg of marijuana, 4,25 kg of hashish, 3 marijuana plantations for a total of Approximately 1600 plants, 7 common firearms and 367 rounds of ammunition of various calibers.

The execution of the precautionary measures was carried out, from the early hours of November 26, with the coordination of the Central Operations Service, by approximately two hundred and fifty men and women of the State Police belonging to the Crotone Flying Squad, other Flying Squads, the Crime Prevention Units of Vibo Valentia, Siderno, Catania, Potenza, Naples and the Canine Units of Vibo Valentia and Catania, as well as personnel from the Reggio Calabria Flying Unit.

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