Cosenza, the State Police arrests 3 people for fraud against the State and self-laundering. 15 million euros seized

Notifications of the invitations to appear for questioning following a request for precautionary measures are also underway for eight additional suspects.

Cosenza, the State Police arrests 3 people for fraud against the State and self-laundering. 15 million euros seized

The Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Cosenza is executing a precautionary custody order in prison against three people as well as preventive seizure orders for an equivalent amount of over 15 million euros, measures issued by the GIP at the Court of Cosenza. The notifications of the invitations to appear for questioning following a request for precautionary measures against eight additional suspects are also in progress.

The investigations, carried out by the Guardia di Finanza of Cosenza and the Cyber ​​Security Operations Centre of the State Police of Cosenza and developed through telephone and telematic interceptions, in-depth analysis of numerous reports of suspicious transactions as well as highly technical IT investigations, allowed to ascertain the existence of a criminal organization composed of seven people, operating in the territory of Cosenza and the Tyrrhenian coast, aimed at carrying out numerous scams to the detriment of the State for the obtaining of tax credits, with monetization of the same through the transfer to Poste Italiane SpA and subsequent self-laundering of the funds obtained through the purchase of investment gold.

Cosenza, la Polizia di Stato arresta 3 persone per truffe ai danni dello Stato e autoriciclaggio. Sequestrati 15 milioni di euro

As revealed by the investigations, the aforementioned organization included the presence of individuals responsible for managing the entire association, who were responsible for preparing the procedures for requesting the transfer of the tax credit and substantially benefiting from the economic advantages of the fraud (represented by the investment gold purchased with the proceeds of the same), other individuals responsible for recruiting the people who would provide the credentials for the fraudulent request for the tax and economic advantages, as well as others responsible for physically recovering the purchased gold.

The numerous recruited individuals, formal applicants and beneficiaries of various state bonuses, retained, based on their availability, as compensation, approximately 10% of the sum illegally obtained.

During the investigations, investigators had already seized approximately three kilograms of gold coins, worth approximately 170 thousand euros.

The investigative activity was extended with checks also carried out in Puglia, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy and Sardinia.

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