Cosenza: They attempt various extortion activities, three personal precautionary measures orders issued
3 complaints
Cosenza: They attempt various extortion activities, three personal precautionary measures orders issued
The Carabinieri Company of Cosenza has given execution of a personal precautionary measure order issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge at the Court of Cosenza, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, against 3 suspects (2 recipients of house arrest and 1 of obligation to report to the Judicial Police), as they are considered responsible for attempted extortion activities (return horse), committed in Cosenza and Mendicino (CS).
In order to guarantee the constitutionally guaranteed right to news reporting, the planned extortion activities, consisting in the unjust demand for the payment of a sum of money in exchange for the return of a stolen car, were not carried out due to the firm refusal of the injured parties.
This activity, carried out by the military of the Operations Section, represents the continuation of a previous investigation undertaken to combat the widespread criminal phenomenon of vehicle theft and related receiving and extortion activities, conducted by the Cosenza Carabinieri Company and coordinated by the Cosenza Public Prosecutor's Office, when a total of 2024 personal precautionary measures were notified and executed in the months of October and November 9.
In the circumstance, 5 suspects were charged with the crime of association ex art. 416 cp having established a permanent establishment, rooted in a high-crime area of the city of Cosenza, with division of roles, for the purpose of committing aggravated thefts of vehicles and extortion in Cosenza and its province, from the year 2023 with ongoing conduct.
The criminal group under investigation operated serially through tried and tested rituals that included identifying the vehicle to be stolen, finding equipment useful for committing the crime, storing the stolen vehicle in decentralised storage sites, and subsequently asking the victim for money as blackmail for the return of the vehicle.
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