Acri: Two people arrested by the Carabinieri for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing

The Police, during a territorial control operation, catch a man red-handed in possession of cocaine. A house search is triggered, with which other narcotic substances are found

Acri: Two people arrested by the Carabinieri for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing

Late in the evening of 13st January, the military of the Carabinieri Station of Acri and Operational Quota of the Rende Carabinieri Company they drew in arrest, in flagrante delicto, 18 year old from Corigliano Calabro which, following a house search carried out in that locality "Cantinelle", he was found in possession of almost half a kilo of this type of narcotic substance marijuana, in addition to a precision balance and cash presumed to be the proceeds of drug dealing.

The search was triggered after a patrol from the Acri Carabinieri Station, during a territorial control operation in the town of Sant'Angelo, had already stopped - and similarly taken into custody arrest in flagrante delicto - a 32 year old already known to the police, on whose person the military found twenty packages of cocaine for a total weight of 8 grams, in addition to cash presumed to be the proceeds of drug dealing.

The control was then extended to the man's home, where the son of his current partner He immediately aroused the investigators' suspicions by going to his room, where – inside the wardrobe – he had hidden the large quantity of marijuana which, if placed on the market, would have brought in a illicit gain of approximately 3.000 euros.

At the disposal of the Judicial Authorities of Cosenza and Castrovillari, the arrested were subjected to the arrest at their home.

Acri: Arrestate due persone dai Carabinieri per detenzione, ai fini di spaccio, di sostanze stupefacenti

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