
San Basile: Carabinieri arrest violent ex-partner for stalking

The poor victim in the barracks then reported years of violence and abuse suffered even in the presence of her own children.

San Basile: Carabinieri arrest violent ex-partner for stalking

The Carabinieri's counteraction in all forms of violence against women it is constant and continues daily.

Another one proves it arrest of a violent ex-husband, operated by the Castrovillari Company last Sunday in San Basile.

San Basile: Carabinieri arrestano per stalking l’ex compagno violento

In fact – after the call to 112 from a very young man who, frightened, he asked for help for the umpteenth aggression of the father towards the mother – a patrol intervened immediately.

The soldiers who arrived on the scene tried in vain to calm the man down, who, regardless of the presence of the Carabinieri, repeatedly threatened to kill the ex.

San Basile: Carabinieri arrestano per stalking l’ex compagno violento

To the poor victim – who then went to the barracks reported years of violence and abuse suffered even in the presence of his own children – the possibility of contacting the numerous anti-violence centers present in the area was offered.

While the man, in consideration of the elements collected, by virtue of the current phase of the preliminary investigations and with the coordination of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Castrovillari, has been arrested red-handed for the crime of persecution, transferred to prison and awaiting validation.

San Basile: Carabinieri arrestano per stalking l’ex compagno violento

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