Corigliano-Rossano: extraordinary controls to repress the phenomenon of gangmastering

Results of the extraordinary checks carried out on January 15th, with the aim of combating the widespread phenomenon of gangmastering, to safeguard all those workers who are subjected to exploitative conditions, as well as degrading surveillance methods and housing situations.

Corigliano-Rossano: extraordinary controls to repress the phenomenon of gangmastering

On the day of 15st January, personnel of the State Police of the Corigliano-Rossano Police Station, carried out, in their municipality, targeted extraordinary checks together with personnel from the local Administrative and Social Police, the Judicial Police, the Flying Squad, the Calabria Crime Prevention Department, the Labour Inspectorate and the Local Health Authority, in order to combat the widespread phenomenon of gangmastering, to protect all those workers who are subjected to exploitative conditions, as well as degrading surveillance methods and housing situations.

Corigliano-Rossano: controlli straordinari per la repressione del fenomeno del caporalato

During the aforementioned service the following were achieved results: 55 people checked, 10 people checked with criminal records, 50 vehicles checked, 1 agricultural company checked and 1 license checked.

The investigations carried out allowed us to ascertain and impose sanctions for violations related to the lack of safety requirements in the workplace.

In particular, the violations found and sanctioned concerned the employer's obligation to provide compliant and suitable equipment for the health and safety of workers, as well as the discipline and regulation of traffic routes and emergency exits, which the law requires to be made usable in any eventuality.

The checks carried out by the men of the State Police Station of Corigliano-Rossano, of the Calabria Crime Prevention Department and of the Police Headquarters, directed by the Police Chief of the Province of Cosenza, Dr. Giuseppe Cannizzaro, in full synergy with the other control bodies involved, testify to thecommitment and particular attention in addressing and wanting to repress this phenomenon, in defense of all categories of workers.

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