Waste trafficking, corruption and auction rigging: 5 arrests in Ancona
Carabinieri, Financial Police and Coast Guard in action
Waste trafficking, corruption and auction rigging: 5 arrests in Ancona.
Thirty Forestry Carabinieri, 30 Financiers of the Provincial Command of Guardia di Finanza of Ancona and 10 soldiers from the Port Authority Coast Guard of Ancona have carried out precautionary measures against 5 subjects and a company, ordered by the investigating judge, as part of an investigation begun in 2020 and directed by District Anti-Mafia Prosecutor's Office of Ancona.
In jail the owner of a company from Jesi, another entrepreneur and three public officials are under house arrest. Waste trafficking, corruption, fraud against the state and bid rigging the hypotheses of crime.
Illicit trafficking covered more 2 thousand tons of waste, partly illegally delivered to the Jesi collection center. Tons of land contaminated by hydrocarbons have been disposed of in an area subject to bankruptcy, in another at a kindergarten, in a former quarry and along the banks of the Esino river, restricted in terms of landscape. Also arranged the seizure of money for a total of 82.420 euros, through the blocking of the bank and postal current accounts of a company with registered office in Jesi, whose directors are accused of having carried out an alleged bribe ring, to obtain public contracts and illegally dispose of large quantities of waste.
In addition to the de facto administrators of the Jesi company, who were involved three public officials, employed at the Territorial Health Authority of Ancona, the Inrca of Ancona, the company JesiServizi (which manages the waste collection center) and a professional appointed as judicial custodian of an area subject to bankruptcy.
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