
Vittoria, escapes from house arrest and robs an elderly lady of her purse. The Carabinieri identify him and execute the precautionary measure in prison against him

The Carabinieri's activity to combat crimes against property continues uninterruptedly, with particular attention to crimes against elderly people.

Vittoria (Ragusa), escapes from house arrest and robs an elderly lady of her purse. The Carabinieri identify him and execute the precautionary measure in prison against him

The activity of combating crimes against property by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Ragusa continues uninterruptedly, with particular attention to crimes against the elderly.

In particular, in the morning, The military personnel of the Vittoria Carabinieri Station have received a complaint from an elderly lady who was robbed a few days earlier of her bag containing personal effects and her mobile phone. In the facts set forth, the elderly woman said that, as she was about to enter her home, a young man suddenly approached her from behind and forcefully took her bag, tearing it with such violence that it fell to the ground. The military did not hesitate to immediately initiate investigations in order to identify the perpetrator of the insane act.

The investigations were conducted by viewing the footage from surveillance cameras installed near the woman's home as well as by interviewing people who could provide information on the dynamics of the criminal event.

Vittoria, evade dagli arresti domiciliari e rapina della borsa un’anziana signora in. I Carabinieri lo individuano ed eseguono nei suoi confronti la misura cautelare in carcere

The Carabinieri's activities have thus allowed them to precisely reconstruct the dynamics of the facts and identify the perpetrator of the robbery in the young man from Vittoria FGF, who was already under the precautionary measure of house arrest.. It has in fact been ascertained that the young man, shortly before the robbery, had escaped from the measure to which he was subjected in order to commit the crime against the elderly woman and then disappeared without a trace. The Carabinieri, having collected sufficient evidence against the young man, reported him at liberty to the Judicial Authority for the crime of escape and robbery, asking the competent judge to issue an adequate precautionary measure capable of limiting his dangerousness as highlighted by the dynamics of the robbery.

The Judicial Authority, having examined the elements presented by the military personnel, shared the precautionary needs by issuing an Order for the application of the precautionary measure in prison which was promptly executed by the Carabinieri.
The military, after having tracked down FGF, first fully identified him and then notified him of the judicial order, accompanying him to their offices for the ritual acts. Once the legal formalities were completed, the young man was taken to the Ragusa District Prison where he will remain detained at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

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