Licata, violent brawl in a bar: DASPO for 3 young people
The 3 will not be able to access public places for 2 years
Licata, violent brawl in a bar: DASPO for 3 young people.
As part of the constant combating activity carried out against the phenomena of youth violence, the Police Commissioner of Agrigento, Rosa Maria IRACI, issued 3 DACUr measures, i.e. the ban on approaching a well-identified public establishment, against three young people from Lilica, one of whom is a minor.
DASPO for three young people
The bans affected three young people, one of whom was a minor, who were responsible for a violent brawl that took place on the night of the 8th of last year inside a well-known bar in the municipality of Licata, following which they suffered various injuries and were reported in the free state for aggravated brawl by the staff of the Licata police station who intervened immediately and were also very active in terms of checks on public establishments, having recently carried out 20 checks on administration and detention establishments, raising the number of rooms to 4. 6 fines of €1232,00 each and 2 crime notifications forwarded to the Judicial Authority against as many managers who had started dancing activities without the required license.
With the application of the DACUr., the three boys were prevented, for a period of 2 years, from frequenting the bar where the fight took place as well as the places located in the vicinity of it. In case of violation, a fine ranging from 8.000,00 euros to 20.000,00 euros and imprisonment from six months to one year is foreseen.
The DASPO Willy
The aforementioned interdictory provision is also called DASpo. “Willy” from the name of poor Willy MONTEIRO DUARTE who was barbarously killed to break up a quarrel near a nightclub located in Colleferro (RM), which gave rise to the important legislative intervention to put a stop to the acts of violence occurring among the places of youth gathering.
In this regard, the Agrigento Police Headquarters has been paying particular attention to the phenomenon in question for some time by applying, through the specialized section of the Anti-Crime Division, the prevention measure envisaged for the type of violence that occurred, the sanction of which is graduated based on to the precedents that the recipient has and to the role assumed in the execution of the event.
The prevention measure may consist of a DASpo., i.e. the ban on approaching the places where competitive sports competitions take place throughout the national territory, and in the DACUr, precisely the ban on approaching the public exercise or the place of detention which saw the recipient involved in the act of violence, or even in the aforementioned places of aggregation throughout the province if the person, on the occasion, was arrested or has a conviction, even if not definitive.
It may also consist, at the same time, in the imposition of an Oral Warning, a preventive measure prodromal to the imposition of the much more serious Special Surveillance of the Police in the case of recidivism, when the author of the violent act is a person already convicted of crimes of the same nature . From the beginning of the year to today, DASpo. and DACUr., nr.18 prohibitions.
Activities of the Police Headquarters
The law enforcement activity of the Police Headquarters through the imposition by the Police Chief of the most usual prevention measures, such as Mandatory Street Sheets, Oral Warnings and Special Police Surveillances, with or without obligation to stay, on the proposal of the Anti-Crime Police Division , has obviously concerned and concerns all types of crime, indeed from the beginning of the year to today, 95 Oral Warnings have been issued, 34 repatriations with mandatory street orders and 13 Special Police Surveillances
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