Violence against women in Tivoli: a man arrested accused of assault and other crimes against his ex-partner
The immediate complaint by the woman, the speed of the investigation, and the intervention of an Albanian citizen were fundamental in preventing a serious attack on the woman.
Violence against women in Tivoli: a man arrested accused of assault and other crimes against his ex-partner
It is hereby communicated, in compliance with the rights of the suspect (to be considered presumed innocent in consideration of the current stage of the proceedings - preliminary investigations - until a definitive ascertainment of guilt with an irrevocable sentence) and in order to guarantee the constitutionally guaranteed right to report, that on 22 October 2024, in Guidonia Montecelio (RM), the State Police Agents of the pool specialized in gender violence of the Detached Police Station of Tivoli – Guidonia, under the direction of the Magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Tivoli, in execution of a precautionary prison measure order issued by the GIP of the Court of Tivoli, have arrested DR a fifty-six year old with no criminal record of Guidonia DR, seriously accused of stalking, personal injury and damage to his ex-partner.
The investigators have reconstructed a serious circumstantial framework, consisting of a series of very serious conducts implemented by man after the end of the relationship with the victim, in a rapid excalation. For about a year in fact the man was stalking his ex-partner, with threats, insults, chasing, stalking, continuous intrusions into his private sphere and physical aggression, even in the presence of witnesses.
The woman, after having accepted a last meeting, underwent a serious assault by ex-partner, who then also went to his workplace, threatening to destroy his office. Again, last October 7th He chased her with the car at high speed, forced her to stop and slapped her so violently that she fell to the ground. A brave Albanian citizen, to whom we owe our thanks for not having turned away, attracted by the girl's screams intervened in his defense, but became the object of aggression himself.
For such serious facts the investigating judge of the Tivoli Court has ordered the most severe measure of pre-trial detention in prison, highlighting “the concrete possibility that the suspect may carry out even more serious conduct to the detriment of the woman".
It should be emphasized that, in this circumstance, the intervention of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Tivoli Police Station was supported by an important "solidarity cordon” put in place not only by the friends of the victim, But especially from the courage of a young man who did not hesitate for a moment to help the girl and to try to stop the attack at the risk of their own lives. People who did not hesitate, with sense of responsibility, to bear witness to what they knew, helping to free the young woman from the grip of violence.
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