Vicenza: various street notices, removal orders and oral warnings issued
Operations within the scope of urban security operations.
Vicenza: various street notices, removal orders and oral warnings issued.
The activities carried out on July 30th – agreed upon within the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security – were mostly concentrated in the “areas at risk" of City, also following reports received from citizens who reported the presence - especially in Ponte degli Angeli, in Viale San Lazzaro, in Viale SS. Felice e Fortunato, in Piazzale Bologna and in the gardens of Campo Marzio – of annoying subjects, who often behave in an unurban manner and sometimes even dangerous for public order and safety.
As well as in the past weekends, they were also some abandoned buildings inspected, especially in Via Torino, in the “Ferrovieri” district and in Via Btg. Val Leogra, reported by the citizens as which meeting places for homeless people, sometimes present illegally on our national territory, as well as used as a point of reference for carrying out illicit activities. In the same way, the Porticoes of Palazzo Chiericati and the Basilica Palladiana, the climb to Monte Berico from Via type of controls is intended to hold monitor these areas, in order to avoid the consolidation of situations of degradation and critical issues for public order and safety.
Specific controls, finally they were carried out in Piazza Matteotti and throughout the Quadrilatero area, while, in the evening hours, the city center was carefully monitored, and 4 public businesses and games rooms / VLTs were inspected.
Lo purpose of these operational activities I say counteract, maintaining a high visibility of the presence of the Police Forces, those phenomena of illegality that cause a widespread perception of "insecurity" in citizens, such as the drug dealing, property crimes and petty crime phenomena in general connected to predatory crimes; in this context, subjects intent on bivouacking on benches, consuming alcohol and disturbing people and commercial activities, were identified and removed from the capital with Personal Prevention Measures and other similar measures ordered by the Police Commissioner.
During the various phases of the operation of Police, carried out with the use of approximately 30 men and women belonging to the Vicenza Police Headquarters, the Local Police of the capital and the Crime Prevention Department of the State Police, were checked - also during the 4 Check Posts carried out along the arteries leading to the capital - 57 vehicles and 91 people, of which 39 foreigners and 28 with criminal and/or police records.
At the end of the operational activities, Police Commissioner Sartori adopted the following measures:
• 6 Mandatory Street Sheets (by the Municipality of Vicenza) against people with criminal and/or police records, who found themselves without appreciable reason and in unjustified circumstances in the Municipality of Vicenza;
• 3 Expulsion Orders from the National Territory against as many non-EU citizens who, during the checks, were found to be irregular in Italy and with criminal and/or police prejudices against them. Following the investigations carried out by the Immigration Office, the Police Commissioner issued as many expulsion decrees, ordering these people to leave the territory within 14 days; if they do not comply, they will be reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office and forcibly accompanied to their country of origin;
• 5 Oral Notices (Prevention Measure provided for by the Code of Anti-Mafia Laws) against as many Italian and foreign citizens who denote a marked social danger due to criminal and/or police records for crimes of various kinds including crimes against the person, for dealing in narcotic substances, or against property.
“Also during this last weekend, joint operational activities were carried out aimed at maintaining constant monitoring of the situation of public order and safety in the city capital, as well as preventing and repressing any form of petty crime and degradation – he Commissioner Sartori was required to clarify –. In this context, with a view to preventing gambling addiction, some gaming and betting rooms were checked, with the aim of verifying their correct management based on the legal provisions that regulate them, and this to protect the weaker sections of the Company. In the same way, some abandoned buildings were monitored. These police activities represent an effective tool to combat widespread crime, drug consumption and dealing, and thus guarantee a high level of urban security, also considering the intense presence of tourists who have come to the city to visit and attend events of various kinds.”
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