
Vicenza: harassment, drug dealing, extortion, personal injury, theft and domestic violence. The most relevant measures of the Police Headquarters

Among the most relevant measures, we highlight the bans issued in consideration of the seriousness of what happened and the precedents against the individual subjects, which reveal a concrete danger for public order and safety.

Vicenza: harassment, drug dealing, extortion, personal injury, theft and domestic violence. The most relevant measures of the Police Headquarters.

Over the past week, the Police Chief of the Province of Vicenza, Dario Sallustio, has issued 7 Access and Loitering Bans in the immediate vicinity of public places, including five for serious disorder and one for drug dealing, which also occurred in the vicinity of schools and gyms, as well as a ban on access to the urban area of ​​Vicenza Station. He also issued 3 mandatory warnings, 2 oral warnings and 3 warnings for domestic violence.

Among the most relevant measures, we highlight the bans issued in consideration of the gravity of what happened and the precedents against the individual subjects, which reveal a concrete danger for public order and safety, also determined by a marked propensity to violate the laws, creating discomfort, fear and concern in the places they frequent, be they railway areas, city centers or near or inside public establishments.

On July 24, Dacur notified OO, a Nigerian citizen, and MH, an Italian citizen:

- On July 12th, the Railway Police Agents of Vicenza identified for the 14th time LH, a 28 year old Italian citizen, intent on harass and annoy travellers, preventing accessibility and transit to the fixed and mobile infrastructures and related appurtenances of the ticket office hall of the railway station, causing strong social alarm in the community as the conduct was carried out in such a way as to limit the freedom of citizens, forced to join to the illegitimate. LH was then notified Dacur for the duration of 1 year with the prohibition to access the urban area of ​​the Vicenza Railway Station and its appurtenances, including the station square and the adjacent avenues Milano and viale Venezia

- On July 15th, OO, a 29 year old Nigerian citizen, was arrested by the Carabinieri of Vicenza in flagrante delicto for the crime of sale of narcotic substances and possession for the purpose of dealing near the amusement park on Via Riello. In parallel with the judicial activity of the Carabinieri, the Vicenza Police Chief issued a 2-year Daspo against him;

On July 26, SL, a 25-year-old Albanian citizen, was issued a ban on access and parking in the immediate vicinity of the public establishment called “Bella Vita Caffe”, in Rossano Veneto (VI), for a period of 2 years. Taking advantage of the temporary in the absence of the cashier, he entered behind the bar counter and took possession of the sum of 600 euros, taking it away from the availability of the person entitled to it, crime for which the Carabinieri of Rosà proceeded with the tracing, identification and reporting to the Judicial Authority.

On August 1st we notified Daspo Willy to IB, MK and VA:

– the Vicenza Police Chief adopted the DASPO WILLY against the 45-year-olds IB and MK, both Moroccan citizens, prohibiting access and loitering in the immediate vicinity of the public establishment called “Pepe Nero Kebab” in Rosà (VI) and “Bar San Marco” in Bassano del Grappa (VI), for a period of 3 years. Both were identified on 23 July last, by personnel from the Rosà Carabinieri Station, for having committed the crimes of personal injury, threats and extortion, within the public establishment called "Pepe Nero Kebab". In collusion with each other, they also caused personal injuries to the owners of the public establishment by demanding not to pay for the meals and alcoholic beverages they had consumed. Furthermore, always together, on July 31, they were identified by the Carabinieri for having provoked a violent fight near the public establishment called “Bar San Marco”. On that occasion, they were administratively sanctioned for having also been caught in an evident state of drunkenness in a place open to the public;

– VA, a 37-year-old Indian citizen, was tracked down by the Carabinieri of Montebello Vicentino (VI) for being responsible for throwing blunt objects inside and in the immediate vicinity of the public establishment called "Bar Italia" in Gambellara (VI) following an altercation for trivial reasons that arose with the owner of the aforementioned bar.

Among the Mandatory Expulsion Orders from the Province Territory, for 3 years, those notified to the 49-year-old DGG and the 43-year-old PV stand out, who hit the headlines for having been tracked down, last July 27, by a patrol of the Carabinieri of Vicenza on board a car in possession of money and gold jewelry, illicit proceeds from the aggravated fraud committed against an elderly lady from Vicenza.

The 3 warnings are of particular importance domestic violence¸ notified to three different men who, towards one of his ex-partners, and the other two towards their respective wives, concretised domestic violence in multiple episodes of death threats and psychological violence which also resulted in physical violence on several occasions and forced a of the victims to resort to the care of the local emergency room, so much so that she also had to be hospitalized for personal injuries and head trauma.

In this regard, we would like to highlight the services available in the area, aimed at intervening against perpetrators of stalking, domestic or gender-based violence, also in relation to the provisions of the memorandum of understanding of 14.07.2021, stipulated between the Vicenza Police Headquarters and the Ares Center, with offices in Bassano del Grappa (VI), in via Monte Novegno 7 and in Vicenza in viale della Pace nr.89 (at civic center 3 of Villa Tacchi room nr.61), telephone number 388-7742014

Vicenza: molestie, spaccio, estorsione, lesioni personali, furto e violenza domestica. I provvedimenti più rilevanti della Questura

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