
Veneto: President of the Region Luca Zaia for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Zaia, "In memory of Giulia Cecchettin. We do moral suasion but we have active concrete projects such as Anti-Violence Centers and Shelters.

Veneto: President of the Region Luca Zaia for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

"The fight against violence against women must be a priority for all of civil society and for the institutions. In Veneto we live with particular passion the World Day of Monday 25 November, in the vivid and heartbreaking memory of the femicide of Giulia Cecchettin. The brutality of the entire affair has made this girl a universal symbol, and we want to dedicate this day to her memory and all the initiatives that the Veneto Region is putting in place to support and help, to the point of hiding them from their tormentors, the many women victims of violence at various levels, even if there certainly cannot be a scale of severity for a hateful crime, more deep-rooted than one might think, perhaps still little punished".

With these words, the President of the Region, Luca Zaia, introduces the deep and shared participation of the Veneto in the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

“This year too – he points out Zaia – a red chair stands out in the atrium of Palazzo Balbi, to signify that the Region is there, fighting and working to confront and make this phenomenon of barbarism less widespread. We do it with all possible moral suasion actions, but also with a vast and concrete organization on the territory, managed by our social sector, which deploys 25 Anti-Violence Centers with 34 help desks and 31 shelters spread across all the provinces. In one year, over 4 million euros have also been invested, between regional and state resources”.

“We have also made the strategic choice to strengthen and relaunch the various actions for 2024 and the months to come – adds – we have increased the specific funds in our budget, bringing them to 1 million 550 thousand euros, we are putting into practice the opening of offices in the Universities, strengthening the communication and awareness initiatives, and those of training of the personnel called to take care of these people. Every additional woman who turns to our network to ask for help and protection can be a life saved”.

And it is no coincidence that the latest report of the Regional Council, presented to the Council in May 2024, contains the results of an interesting investigation conducted in Emergency room, from which, for example, it emerged that the89,47% has an implementation protocol for the path for women who suffer violence; 100% provides for diversified procedures and protected discharge methods in the event of a high risk assessment; 100% informs the woman of the presence of Anti-Violence Centres in the area; 100% provides for the possibility of remaining in short-term intensive observation or in a hospital environment in the event of a high risk of re-victimization;86,4% has set up a protected area separate from the general waiting area; 92,11% guarantees a visit within a maximum of 20 minutes to reduce second thoughts or voluntary withdrawals.

The type of violence that prevails is that psychological, followed by that physical, economic, from stalking, harassment and digital violence.

Veneto: il Presidente della Regione Luca Zaia per la Giornata Mondiale per l'eliminazione della violenza sulle donne

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