Veneto, President Zaia: proposal to dedicate an hour of school to Giulia Cecchettin accepted.
"I hope that Gino Cecchettin's intention, immediately translated into an appropriate operational proposal by Minister Valditara, whom I compliment for his attention and timeliness, will soon find concrete application. If we want to begin to spread the culture of respect, of affective education, of civic sense in general, it is from there that we must start, from schools, from the young people who attend them, making them protagonists of reflections and not recipients of sermons with a high risk of sterility".
Thus the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, welcomes "with extreme favor" the proposal to dedicate to Giulia Cecchettin and to the problems opened by her tragic assassination, one hour of school for the entire school year, to be included in the scope of civic education.
“Minister Valditara was right - adds Zaia - and I truly hope that we will move on to action soon. Many tragedies like Giulia's, bullying, mobbing, sexting, aggression between people, too often reside in the younger generations, and for this reason more fragile and in need of support to appreciate the true values of life and the right balance of relationships between boys and girls. Nothing more positive - adds the Governor - than making sure that it is talked about in one of the places of aggregation par excellence such as school".
"The translation of this beautiful idea into operational reality is certainly not my responsibility, but that of the Ministry and the school bodies. - continues Zaia - but I would like to express a hope: that it is not a 'lesson' in the traditional sense, but a moment in which the protagonists are the young people, talking and discussing among themselves, exchanging opinions and, why not, other operational proposals. Hour after hour, month after month we could discover unthinkable results. The kids should be left free to express themselves in the legitimate ways they think fit and we adults must listen to their messages. It does not matter if expressed with a minute of silence or with one of noise. It is right to leave them the freedom to decide, each one whether it is more significant to be silent or noisy. As adults we have the duty to seek a new harmony with them, showing them the right path, but letting them follow it in their own way".
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