Vast police operation across the country against the illicit storage and disposal of waste
The objective was to ascertain and sanction the multiple forms of illegality in the delicate sector of environmental protection.
Vast police operation across the country against the illicit storage and disposal of waste
Vast operation by the State Police on the national territory for the fight to the illicit storage and disposal of waste, to ascertain and sanction the multiple forms of illegality in the delicate sector of environmental protection.
The complex activities, coordinated centrally by the SCO, were conducted by the agents of Mobile teams and of SISCO in 33 provinces1, with the specialist support of the regional agencies for environmental protection and the traffic police. In some provinces, given the operational specificity in which it operated, the peripheral structures of the National Port Authority Corps were also involved.
At the end of 3 days of intense operational activities, from 13 to 15 May, they were subjected to checks over 168 areas suspected of being used for the illicit storage and conservation of waste, 40 of which were subjected to seizure. More than 1763 the identified subjects, 103 people were reported in a state of freedom for crimes related to illicit waste management, 2 people arrested in flagrante delicto and beyond 85 administrative violations detected for an amount exceeding 200 thousand euro.
The investigation and verification activities resulting from access to the controlled sites will continue in the next few days by the individual regional environmental protection agencies, in order to assess the existence of further administrative and criminal offences.
More specifically, significant operational results were achieved:
- in province of Turin, several waste storage and car demolition sites were checked, with the seizure of an area of over 1500 m8. During the activities, 130 individuals were reported and administrative sanctions of XNUMX thousand euros were imposed;
- in province of Reggio Calabria, large-scale "blanket" checks were carried out with the seizure of 6 areas where irregularities related to the use of painting ovens emerged;
- in province of Rome, a private area of over 6000 mXNUMX was checked and seized, illegally used as a warehouse for special and dangerous waste. Inside the site, several non-EU citizens were found intent on carrying out waste storage tasks;
- in Province of Syracuse, 14 sites used for waste disposal were checked, 7 of which were seized due to the numerous irregularities found;
- in province of Caltanissetta, 4 areas were seized due to the presence of various abandoned waste, as well as material eternity and ferrous. During the activities, 7 people were reported for uncontrolled storage;
- in province of Avellino, 4 people were reported for various violations of the consolidated environmental law;
- in Province of Benevento, 3 areas used for waste disposal were seized and the respective owners reported for abandoning waste, managing waste without the required authorizations and environmental pollution;
- in Province of Latina, a disused factory was checked, where the presence of large quantities of solid urban waste, fiber cement sheets containing asbestos and electronic devices of various kinds was ascertained;
- in Province of Caserta, 3 areas were seized and 4 people reported for carrying out car repair activities without authorization, environmental pollution, unauthorized exercise of activities with a high environmental impact and receiving stolen goods;
- in province of Vibo Valentia, an area used for the retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories was seized, reporting the owner for the crimes of abandonment of waste and unauthorized management of this activity;
- in province of Foggia, 12 areas were checked, 6 locations for car storage and garage use were seized. During the activities, 4 people were reported for unauthorized management of waste and recycling;
- in province of Trapani, 1 person was arrested caught in the act of committing a crime for unauthorized waste management activities and illicit combustion of waste. During the activities, 5 people were also reported for abandoning waste and environmental pollution;
- in province of Taranto, 4 areas were seized and 12 individuals reported for the crimes of waste abandonment and unauthorized management of this activity. During the activities, 1 person was also arrested in flagrante delicto for possession for the purpose of dealing drugs;
- of province of Verbania Cusio Ossola, 3 sites checked and 1 person reported for carrying out waste collection and disposal activities in the absence of the authorizations required by law;
- in Province of Rovigo, a demolition company in the Po Delta area was checked and seized. The owner was reported for the crimes envisaged by the consolidated environmental law and high administrative fines of around 7 euros.
The activity is part of the constant prevention and monitoring action carried out by the State Police, in a sector which for decades has represented a source of huge, illicit profit also for criminal organisations, in order to put a brake on the expansion of environmental crimes which damage the territory and constantly put the health of citizens at risk.
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