Valsamoggia, ex-partner persecuted: approach ban issued for a 43-year-old

Reported by his ex-partner, for the threatening and harassing behavior that he had been subjected to for months, under pressure from the man who could not accept the end of their relationship.

Valsamoggia (Bologna), stalks ex-partner: prohibition issued for a 43-year-old

The Carabinieri of the Bazzano station have executed an application order of the personal precautionary measure of the ban on approaching the offended person and the places frequented by the same, towards a 43 year old, foreigner, unemployed, known to the police, accused of persecutory acts against his ex-partner.

The provision, requested by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bologna and issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge, was born from the complaint of a 54 year old Italian, who turned to the Carabinieri following the continuous threatening and harassing conduct, placed in existence by man towards himself.

Furthermore, the woman declared to the soldiers, to have had a brief romantic relationship with the 43-year-old which ended in May 2023 and then the man began to oppress her with messages and phone calls, even directing threatening phrases at her, often appearing at her home. Such attitudes, by man, they provoked in the 54-year-old, a state of anxiety and concern for one's safety so much so as to request the help of the Carabinieri. After being tracked down by the military, the man was subjected to the measure issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bologna.

In this regard, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Bologna, recommend reporting the occurrence of such events immediately, at the barracks located throughout the area, so that we can intervene promptly at the onset of the problem and consequently to be able to guarantee greater security to the people who suffer such violence and in particular women who are very often victims of episodes of violence on a daily basis.Valsamoggia, perseguita la ex compagna: emesso il divieto di avvicinamento per un 43enne

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