Udine, they robbed ATMs and used the loot to renovate a house: two people arrested
The Carabinieri of Udine have seized a house worth 100.000 euros, a caravan, a truck tractor and 20 euros in cash from the alleged attackers of ATMs committed in northern Italy from 2019 to 2021.
Udine, they robbed ATMs and used the loot to renovate a house: two people arrested
The Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Udine, supported by the territorial force, in the provinces of Treviso and Padua, they executed the preventive seizure decree, and by equivalent, aimed at confiscation, issued by the GIP of the Court of Brescia, on the proposal of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Brescia, against of two individuals deemed presumed responsible of multiple assaults with explosives at numerous ATMs also committed with the use of weaponry, As well as of rapina, stolen, Recycling e fraudulent transfer of values.
During the activity they were a newly renovated house was seizedof the estimated value of €100.000, in the availability of one of the suspects, a caravan and truck engineas well as the sum of money of €20.000, the latter corresponding to the price obtained from the sale of a luxury car purchased with illicit proceeds.
Indeed, following long and targeted patrimonial and banking investigations subsequent to those which led to the identification andarrest of the two subjects, the Carabinieri investigators have ensured that all the aforementioned movable and immovable assets they had probably been acquired, through third parties, with proceeds from ATM robberies committed by the suspects throughout Northern Italy in the three-year period 2019-2021.
Today's judicial provision provides that, once the trial process has been concluded and conviction has been received, the assets subject to seizure are subjected to confiscation and therefore acquired as part of the State's assets.
Today's operation constitutes an important result obtained from the close and effective collaboration of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Udine and the judicial authorities of Udine and Brescia, which made it possible to identify and return the assets stolen with violence and, at the same time, to financially affect the individuals under investigation.
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