Udine: the balance of the Temporary Post of the State Police just closed in the locality of Lignano Sabbiadoro

Over 2.000 interventions carried out by the almost 500 patrol cars in service in the various quadrants, which in the two months have been constant and daily, especially in the evening and night shifts, both at the request of the citizen and through the NUE or on the autonomous initiative of the operators.

Udine: the balance of the Temporary Post of the State Police just closed in the town of Lignano Sabbiadoro.

The State Police of Udine has recently Temporary Post closed at the tourist resort of Lignano Sabbiadoro with a decidedly positive balance as highlighted by the following numerical summaries:

  • total people checked: 3.618 (of which foreigners: 1.018);
  • total vehicles checked: 1.489;
  • checkpoints carried out: 204;
  • arrests: 8 (one of which following the seizure of over 1 kg of marijuana);
  • reports at liberty: 43
  • administrative violations: 34;
  • people subjected to photo-signalling: 60.

This data goes to added over 2.000 interventions carried out by almost 500 patrol cars ordered to serve in the various quadrants, which in the two months are constant and daily, especially in the evening and night shifts, both at the request of the citizen and through the NUE or on the autonomous initiative of the operators. Among these, we particularly highlight the one that he avoided an extreme act of self-harm of a very young Venetian tourist saved just in time by operators with great skill and professionalism as well as notable human qualities.

In addition to the aforementioned valuable operational activity of territorial control, the numerous Public Order services and dynamic controls carried out at the public facilities "Alpe Adria Arena", "Beach Arena" and "Piazzale Marcello Olivo" must not be overlooked, where over 30 singing or entertainment events organized, and which have been the subject of surveillance activities with the aim of monitoring them and managing public safety.

These important operational results were possible thanks to the close operational synergy implemented by the Temporary Police Post staff (composed of operators from the Udine Police Headquarters and the Public Safety Police Stations of Cividale del Friuli and Tolmezzo as well as 20 operators from all over Italy) first of all with the main Offices of the Udine Police Headquarters and with the Specialty Offices of the State Police but then with all the other public offices present in the territory including in particular those of thethe Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza.

Among the institutional collaborations, the one with the Municipality of Lignano Sabbiadoro stands out in particular, which, in addition to guaranteeing the logistics for the Police Office, has allowed significant operational results for the significant operational synergy with the Local Police staff who allowed among other things the60 photo-signalings were carried out. as well as the joint management of numerous interventions.

Still on the subject of fruitful collaboration, a special applause goes to the one with the Austrian Police which this year, for the first time in the history of the Police Offices in Lignano Sabbiadoro, has sent 2 operators on a mission from Vienna for the entire month of August.

This initiative, strongly supported by the Police Chief of Udine Alfredo D'Agostino who, on the basis of the profitable experiences joint services carried out by the Italian and Austrian police forces on the occasion of Pentecost in Lignano have been ongoing for years, and have allowed a true “qualitative leap” in the services offered to the community.

In fact, our colleagues in Vienna have collaborated in many interventions with remarkable precision and professionalism as well as with unconditional availability. helping the Italian police nin various operational situations on several occasions per shift where communication with foreigners became complicated and incomprehensible.

For example, in an intervention at the beginning of August, 5 Austrian citizens were investigated at liberty for complicity in animal cruelty and drunken disorder and, in this circumstance, the assistance of the Austrian "colleagues" was fundamental in restoring calm and in contesting the violations to the suspects in their own language.

Another example of the extreme usefulness of the presence of foreign colleagues were the two cases of arrest for the execution of international detention orders carried out in the month of August, against a Romanian citizen and an Iranian citizen, both asylum seekers in Austria but wanted by Interpol for final sentences, those who only know the German language.

The translation of the documents and the explanations of the defence guarantees and everything else carried out and recorded in the documents by the Austrian colleagues has allowed us to raise operational quality by making procedures much simpler, complete and correct.

Moreover, the presence of the Austrian policemen was decisive not only in the translations into German but also in many other languages ​​since the colleagues in Vienna were experts in 4 languages ​​(Italian, German, French and Spanish) and for this reason they made services easier and more manageable in daily translations with the various users.

Among the many activities, there was also one in close proximity to the organization of an exciting meeting between the State Police and a group of disabled children which involved many operators of the Temporary Police Station who worked with great passion for the success of the event, receiving in return sincere expressions of esteem and appreciation both from the children of the group and from the parents and in general from their companions.

Udine: il bilancio del Posto Temporaneo della Polizia di Stato appena chiuso presso la località di Lignano Sabbiadoro

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