Udine, she beat children in nursery: teacher arrested
Thanks to an investigation started in March by the NAS, they documented the mistreatment suffered by children between the ages of 1 and 3 inside a nursery school in the province of Gorizia. Furthermore, the teacher was responsible for the cooperative that managed the nursery and is also accused of fraud, she pretended to supply meals in quantities greater than those actually administered to the children.
Udine, she beat children in nursery: teacher arrested
On July 19, 2024 in the province of Gorizia, the soldiers of the Anti-adulteration and Healthcare Unit Udine, assisted in the executive phase by the soldiers of the competent Provincial Command, have implemented a precautionary measure under house arrest against 1 person, issued by the GIP of the Court of Gorizia at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Gorizia.
The investigation initiated by the NAS, lo last March 2024, è born from some reports of mistreatment of children attending a nursery school e of fraud to the detriment of several public bodies affiliated with the asylum.
The subsequent investigative activities carried out by the Army soldiers, also with the help of various technical activities, have made it possible to document numerous episodes of mistreatment against children aged between one and three years. Likewise, the investigation activity made it possible to ascertain the extent of the fraud committed against public bodies perpetrated by doing include providing meals in quantities greater than those actually given to the children.
The sources of evidence obtained by the NAS staff of Udine have, therefore, the GIP of the Court of Gorizia was allowed to issue the precautionary measure, requested by local Public Prosecutor's Office.
The recipient of the measure restricting personal freedom is the legal teacher responsible for the cooperative that manages the nursery - stopped his presumption of innocence remaining even if subjected to investigations and in awareness that his criminal responsibility must be ascertained during the trial and only with a final conviction.
The disputed conduct, characterized by particular gravity if correlated to the tender age of the children, will now be examined by the Judges as required by law.
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