Turin, Traffic Police checks to combat the recycling of motor vehicles and spare parts and activities related to the illegal storage and disposal of waste

36 people were identified. Administrative violations for an amount exceeding €10.000 were also contested.

Turin, Traffic Police checks to combat the recycling of motor vehicles and spare parts and activities related to the illegal storage and disposal of waste

As part of the activity of controlling public establishments connected to road traffic, The State Police has carried out a series of investigations in the Piedmont region aimed at combating the recycling of motor vehicles and spare parts of illicit origin as well as multiple forms of irregularity in the sensitive sector of environmental protection.

The activity of these last weeks, carried out by the Judicial Police Teams of the Highway Police of Turin, Alessandria, Cuneo and Verbania, coordinated by the Highway Police Service, was carried out in particular in the respective provinces of the region.

Torino, controlli della Polizia Stradale per il contrasto al riciclaggio di autoveicoli e pezzi di ricambio e alle attività connesse allo stoccaggio e allo smaltimento illeciti dei rifiuti

During the operations, car dealerships and body shops were checked, as well as areas suspected of being used for the illegal storage and conservation of waste.

The identified people were 36, three of whom were reported at liberty for both crimes related to the illegal management of waste and for crimes of a strictly criminal nature. Administrative violations for an amount exceeding €10.000 were also contested.

Specifically, in Turin a body shop that was the subject of the checks was found to be unauthorised and was therefore closed because it lacked the required authorisations, with the consequent seizure for the purpose of confiscation of all the equipment intended for the work. In this circumstance, administrative sanctions were imposed for an amount exceeding €5.000.. Furthermore, motors and electronic components of illicit origin were found, resulting in the referral of a person to the Turin Public Prosecutor's Office for receiving stolen goods.

Torino, controlli della Polizia Stradale per il contrasto al riciclaggio di autoveicoli e pezzi di ricambio e alle attività connesse allo stoccaggio e allo smaltimento illeciti dei rifiuti

In the province of Cuneo, a ferrous metal recovery centre also active as a car dismantling centre was inspected in collaboration with ARPA Piemonte (Cuneo headquarters); following the inspection, violations of the authorization requirements were contested, connected to the improper use of areas intended for waste storage and the management of waste management processes. Administrative and criminal violations of environmental regulations also emerged, in particular regarding the spillage of polluting hydrocarbon liquids on unsealed land.

In Verbano Cusio Ossola, checks on personnel at a local car dealership have revealed administrative irregularities with the consequent imposition of fines of over €4000, in addition to failure to comply with workplace safety regulations under the jurisdiction of the local Public Prosecutor's Office.

Torino, controlli della Polizia Stradale per il contrasto al riciclaggio di autoveicoli e pezzi di ricambio e alle attività connesse allo stoccaggio e allo smaltimento illeciti dei rifiuti

Finally, in the province of Alessandria, a car showroom with an attached auto repair shop was checked. In this case, the operators contested administrative sanctions for an amount of approximately €1400 and criminally reported the owner of the business for uncontrolled waste storage.

Torino, controlli della Polizia Stradale per il contrasto al riciclaggio di autoveicoli e pezzi di ricambio e alle attività connesse allo stoccaggio e allo smaltimento illeciti dei rifiuti

The activity is part of the prevention and monitoring action conducted by the State Police in a sector that for decades has represented a source of illicit profit also for criminal organizations. The expansion of “environmental crimes”, in fact, in addition to providing easy profits to criminals, damages the territory and constantly puts the health of citizens at risk.

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