
Trieste: Carabinieri for the International Day against Violence against Women

The military personnel of the Arma are continuously trained and updated to be able to recognize requests for help, evaluating the "sentinel crimes", so as to be able to apply the right procedures in the shortest possible time to the advantage of the injured party.

Trieste: Carabinieri for the International Day against Violence against Women

They are just under 200 reports for "red code" received by the Carabinieri in the province since the beginning of the year. These are mainly mistreatment in the family, but also stalking and revenge porn. The data certainly represents a increase compared to the previous year, when the complaints had been about 130; significantly increased compared to 2023 were the Reports for “stalking” almost tripled.

The data does not necessarily have a negative connotation. Although it is indicative of a deplorable phenomenon that is still too widespread, the increase in reports of gender-related crimes should nevertheless be considered a win, revealing a awareness and greater consciousness on the part of the victims and overcoming that reluctance dictated by shame, thus bringing to light the hidden nature of gender-related crimes, which in the majority of cases remains still “closed” within domestic walls.

The increase in complaints has meant that the response of the State Institutions, in the most serious cases, has been fast, also thanks to the recent legislative changes, introduced with the so-called "reinforced red code” entered into force in September 2023. In fact, the precautionary measures issued by the Judicial Authority following the investigations delegated to the Carabinieri: removal from the family home, prohibition of approach, house arrest and detention in prison have been running for about a year 80, a good part with installation of control devices (electronic bracelet) in the cases provided for. Last year they were half.

The role of the Arma, in Trieste as well as throughout the national territory is to ensure immediate intervention to stop the violent action and secure the victims; offer assistance and support to them by helping them to report and thus escape from dangerous situations; carry out continuous prevention activities, through awareness and information campaigns to prevent violence and promote a culture of respect.

Through its widespread presence on the territory, the Carabinieri are constantly engaged together with other institutions in the network of intervention, assistance and support for vulnerable categories: each Station is ready to welcome anyone who needs help, representing a safe, protected place, where victims of violence can speak freely without fear or concern. The military personnel of the Arma are continuously trained and updated to be able to recognize requests for help, evaluating the so-called "sentinel crimes”, so that the correct procedures can be applied in the shortest possible time to the advantage of the injured party.

Precisely because it is essential to establish a sensitive and empathetic approach with the victims, the Carabinieri, already since 2015, following an agreement with the Soroptimist International Association, has started a project called “A room all to yourself”, which provides for the installation of dedicated rooms inside the barracks ready to accommodate “vulnerable” subjects: a safe and welcoming place where you can tell what happened, resulting in a less traumatic relationship with investigators. This project has allowed us to to date, set up 275 rooms throughout the country, including Trieste, which allow every day to welcome victims of abuse in a comfortable and less "institutional" environment.

On the occasion of November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the facade of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Trieste, with the participation of the Soroptimist Club of Trieste, will be symbolically illuminated in red.

Let's stop violence against women together!!!

Trieste: i Carabinieri per la Giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne

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