Trieste, attacks a nurse in the Emergency Room. Arrested by the Carabinieri

The event represents yet another episode of intemperance and violence towards healthcare personnel. This is a national phenomenon but one that has recently emerged at a local level as well.

Trieste, attacks a nurse in the Emergency Room. Arrested by the Carabinieri

In the morning a few days ago, The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of Trieste via Hermet have arrested a 19-year-old Moldovan citizen, resident in Trieste, for aggravated personal injury to a nurse of the Emergency Room of the Cattinara hospital. The event represents yet another episode of intemperance and violence towards healthcare personnel. This is a national phenomenon but one that has recently emerged at a local level as well.

The subject, already recovering from a previous episode of violence towards his parents, had been admitted, during that night, to the Emergency Room of Cattinara, in a state of psycho-physical alteration.. The aggressive and violent behavior, however, continued throughout the night, worsening at dawn, when the health workers requested the intervention of the Carabinieri, to contain the violence carried out by the individual, towards them and towards the assets of the health administration. At the sight of the soldiers, the man repeated his violent behavior and was therefore contained, putting an end to his harmful action.

Trieste, aggredisce un infermiere al Pronto Soccorso. Arrestato dai Carabinieri

He was then arrested and taken to the local prison at the disposal of the Judicial Authorities.The alleged crimes are aggravated injuries towards medical personnel and violence and resistance to a public official as well as damage to public administration property.

The topic of assaults on healthcare personnel is more current than ever and the legislator, with law 113 of 2020, has made changes to the Criminal Code, increasing penalties and modifying the aggravating circumstances for crimes committed against healthcare personnel of any role. These tools allow for the ex officio prosecution and prosecution of crimes of violence and injury against doctors and nurses.

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