Trentola Ducenta: Drug dealing and packaging, 33-year-old repeat offender arrested

drug dealer arrested

Trentola Ducenta: Drug dealing and packaging, 33-year-old repeat offender arrested

The 33-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri of the Trentola Ducenta Station, in the Caserta area, will have to answer for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing. The man, intercepted by the military while he was wandering around suspiciously on a scooter Piaggio Beverly among the streets of Trentola Ducenta, having noticed the presence of the military, suddenly accelerated its speed trying to disappear.

Reached after a few hundred meters, before being stopped He tried to free himself by throwing the pouch he was carrying over his shoulder over a low wall surrounding a nearby house. The soldiers, immediately after having blocked him safely, proceeded to recover the pouch which turned out to contain the identity card of a 33-year-old from the Aversa area, already known to the police for drug-related crimes, 4 bars of hashish, the sum of cash equal to 120 euros, divided into small denomination banknotes, as well as several motorcycle keys and remote controls.

The subsequent house search, however, allowed the Carabinieri to find and seize, inside the garage, placed on a table used as a weighing and packaging bench for the drug, in addition to 200 grams of narcotic substance, divided between hashish and marijuana, three precision scales, a weed grinder, numerous jars, a vacuum machine, 137 heat-sealed sachets for packaging the narcotic, two large knives, three scissors and a cutting board.

Inside a cupboard adjacent to the table a safety deposit box found to contain €2500,00 in cash and 4 blocks of hashish weighing a total of 340 grams. Further narcotic substances were found to have been hidden in the glove compartment of a Honda motorbike, the keys of which were in the possession of the 33-year-old. Specifically, inside the glove compartment of the vehicle, the military found approximately 70 grams of marijuana were recovered and seized.

Even inside the bedroom the man kept further doses of hashish, a mobile phone, some sheets of paper with telephone numbers and nicknames written on them and a further sum of cash equal to 2760 euros, divided into banknotes of various denominations. All the amazing things found, approximately 700 grams, the material and cash amounting to 5380,00 euros, were subjected to criminal seizure. After the formal procedures, the arrested man was taken to the Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison.

Trentola Ducenta: Spaccio e confezionamento di stupefacenti, arrestato 33enne recidivo

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