Trani, International Drug Trafficking from Spain: 47 People Arrested

Thanks to the operation "Oltremare" it led to the arrest of 47 people for possession and dealing of narcotics in competition. The suspects allegedly bought drugs and resold cocaine and marijuana, refueling by sea from Spain. The perpetrators were residents of Trani, Bisceglie and neighboring towns including Corato, Ruvo, Barletta and Altamura.

Trani (Puglia), international drug trafficking from Spain: 47 people arrested

Yesterday morning 250 Carabinieri of the Company of Trani – supported by Command personnel Provincial of Barletta-Andria-Trani, as well as the Provincial Commands of Bari and Foggia, the 6th Helicopter Unit, the Puglia Helicopter Hunter Squadron and the Modugno Dog Unit – have carried out – in the cities of Trani, Bisceglie, Andria, Barletta, Ruvo di Puglia, Corato and Altamura – to the order of pre-trial detention – issued by the GIP of the Court of Trani at the request of this Public Prosecutor's Office – in which the following are serious indications of guilt recognized in the proceedings against 47 individuals, investigated for multiple episodes of possession and dealing of narcotic substances in competition.

The precautionary measure is the outcome of investigative activity – conduct from May 2022 to June 2023 by the local Carabinieri Company of Trani, under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Trani – resulting from investigative insights relating to the seizure of a large quantity of marijuana-type narcotic substance coming from Spain, that led to the reconstruction of a drug sales chain.

Particularly, the staff of the Trani Operations Section, together with the soldiers of the local station, developing – on behalf of the Trani Public Prosecutor’s Office – investigative ideas coming from the seizure of a large quantity of narcotic substances of the marijuana type, turned out to be just arrived by sea from Spain, brought to light a thriving wholesale and retail business of narcotics which it involved several subjects residing in the hinterland of the Barletta-Andria-Trani province, to whom a large number of buyers turned to obtain narcotic substances for sale, not just of this type marijuana, but also hashish and predominantly cocaine.

The investigation ordered by the Trani Public Prosecutor's Office and carried out by the Carabinieri personnel ha gave rise to a complex investigative activity, favored by a fruitful knowledge of local criminal dynamics, which allowed the request for a precautionary measure to be formulated. According to the accusatory approach put forward by the Public Prosecutor and accepted by the investigating judge - without prejudice to the evaluation in the subsequent procedural phases also conducted in light of the contribution of the defense - the investigations made it possible to identify the management of a thriving drug sales business (cocaine almost exclusively) which occurred predominantly in the area of ​​Via Andria-Largo G. Francia, considered the main drug dealing square of the city, nerve center of the retail sale of psychotropic substances.

The investigations also made it possible to ascertain that, in addition to retail, all the runners had the task of supplying, wholesale, also insistent drug dealing squares in the nearest municipalities. In this perspective, the seizure was also carried out – in four distinct operations – of as many packages containing narcotic substances of various kinds, from the total weight approximately 9 kg.

47 are the subjects affected by today's precautionary measure, of which:

a) for 31 of them the Judicial Authority ordered custody in prison, as they were responsible for procuring drugs, personally defining the functional dynamics put in place for the consummation of criminal conduct and to manage telephone contacts with the various buyers;

b) for others 8 was placed in precautionary custody at their home;

c) for the remainder 8, the precautionary measure of the residence ban in the municipality of was adopted residence.

The investigations – supported from technical activity carried out through telephone interceptions, acquisition of printouts, video recordings, vehicle monitoring, ordinary judicial police activities such as observation services, control, stalking, document acquisition, testimonial interviews, searches and seizures – have allowed us to record a truly significant number of sales , whose requests they reached the various drug dealers or directly on site – where someone was always present ready to satisfy the needs of the various customers – or via prior telephone contact which was characterized by the use of cryptic language, designed to conceal the real meaning of requests and agreements for drug delivery ( < Bring me two sandwiches>>, << I absolutely need three coffees>>, < >) with which Detailed information was provided on the place and methods of meeting with the drug dealer.

The exchanges then took place near the drug dealers' homes or in the aforementioned squares or in pre-established places, almost always in peripheral areas of the city, to evade any checks by the police.

During the activity – furthermore – we proceeded with theflagrant arrest of no. 11 people; to the referral in a state of freedom of others 5 for possession for the purpose of drug dealing amazing; to the execution of 29 reports for administrative offences (ex art.75 dpr 309/90) to as many buyers; to the seizure of 41.750,00 euros, deemed to be the proceeds of the illicit activity; to the seizure of significant quantities of cocaine, hashish and marijuana; upon the discovery of various material for cutting and packaging the substance, of telephone cards and used cell phones for the commission of the crimes covered by investigation.

The result achieved is the outcome of the constant prevention and repression action of drug crimes by the military of the Arma, under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Trani, associated with the awareness and information campaign carried out especially towards young people with meetings held at schools.

Trani, traffico internazionale di droga dalla Spagna: arrestate 47 persone


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