Tivoli: ban on approaching a violent man against his partner

The woman was helped by her neighbors who requested the intervention of the State Police.

Tivoli: ban on approaching a violent man against his partner.

Rome. We communicate, in respect for the rights of the suspect (to be considered presumed innocent in consideration of the current phase of the proceedings - preliminary investigations - until a definitive finding of guilt with an irrevocable sentence) and in order to guarantee the constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of the press, which on October 28, 2023, in Tivoli, the Agents of the pool specialized in gender violence and minors of Detached Police Station of PS Tivoli – Guidonia, under the direction of Magistrates from Group One of the Tivoli Public Prosecutor's Office which deal with crimes of gender violence, have implemented the precautionary measure ofmoving away from the family home and the ban on approaching them CE aged 31, Romanian citizen resident in Guidonia Montecelio, with precedents for persecutory acts and illegal carrying of weapons, who will have to answer for the crime of mistreatment (art. 572 criminal code) to the detriment of his ex-partner.

This provision, issued by GIP of the Court of Tivoli at the request of Prosecutor's Office, it became necessary because man, since February 2023, has put in place “continuous physical and psychological harassment which is highly mortifying from a moral point of view, reserving violent, threatening, aggressive and domineering behavior for women, physically attacking them, controlling them, insulting them...".

Once again it registers a story of violence by a man against a woman within the home made even more dangerous for the victim due to the man's alcohol abuse: by now daily checks had become obsessive (of jealousy), the control of the woman's friendships aimed at her isolation, even forced to delete other people's telephone contacts, following death threats even with a kitchen knife pointed at the woman's neck.

It should be underlined that the intervention of the Tivoli Prosecutor's Office and Commissariat was determined by the woman's support from her neighbors who, on the occasion of one of the latest episodes of violence, they did not hesitate to request the intervention of the State Police, thus being able to witness the state of agitation and fear which, in recent months, they themselves had often noticed. This demonstrates the greater attention in the Tivoli area by all people towards episodes of violence against women who are aware of theimmediate and concrete intervention by the police and the Prosecutor's Office. During the intervention, however, the officers who arrived on site were able to observe the couple's apartment signs of recent aggressive conduct.

The evaluation of the GIP at the Tivoli Court which issued against CE the precautionary measure of removal from the family home and the ban on approaching the offended person with the requirement to maintain a distance of at least 500 meters from the victim's place of residence and with an absolute ban on communicating with the woman by any means, including electronic means, with an electronic bracelet.

In fact, the Judge he considered that “...The story given is consistent in the justification of the failure to appeal to the Judicial Authority and it does not appear far-fetched, therefore, that in the context of a cohabitation relationship characterized by EC's abusive behavior, the effect of these was the annihilation of the recipient , who never managed to bring herself to file a complaint, for fear of triggering even more violent reactions from the aforementioned...".

Once again, therefore, we ask everyone "to never look the other way" and to provide assistance and support to those women who alone cannot have the strength to report even limiting themselves to requesting the intervention of the police, in this district trained and specialized for the contrast of violence against women.

Send it to Director of the Tivoli PS Police Station for appropriate dissemination to press agencies and for inclusion in the appropriate section of the website Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Tivoli.


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