They had a 50 cm crowbar, two knives and 2000 euros in cash inside the car: the two subjects were intercepted.

Police officers intercept the subject with 2 knives, a crowbar and 2000 euros in cash on board.

They had a 50 cm crowbar, two knives and 2000 euros in cash inside the car: the two subjects were intercepted.

On November 7th at around 01.30 am, a patrol of the Flying Squad, while passing through Via Roma in the Refos area of ​​Limana (BL), noticed a Mercedes car, Class A, with tinted windows. One time the two occupants were identified, coming from Treviso and asked for an account of their presence in this capital, the themselves did not provide plausible justifications for the reasons for the trip. Therefore, in consideration of the suspicions aroused in the workers by the justifications provided, which did not appear credible and by the nervous behavior exhibited during the control phases, the driver and the vehicle in use were searched.
Inside the car, behind the seat, partially hidden, a tool suitable for burglary, in this case a metal crowbar, better known as “crowbar” of about 50 cm and two knives with the characteristic sharp tip and the blade sharpened on both sides; furthermore the subject was found in the availability of approximately 2000 euros in cash.
He was therefore investigated in a state of freedom for the crimes referred to in Article 4 of Law 110/1975 (illegal carrying of objects capable of offending) and in Article 699 of the Criminal Code (illegal carrying of weapons). Investigations into the case are underway.

Avevano all’interno dell’auto un piede di porco di 50 cm, due coltelli e 2000 euro in contanti: intercettati i due soggetti.

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