The San Clemente area is renewed thanks to the investments of the PNRR, Casi: "The redevelopment of a historic part of the city is imminent"
In Arezzo, a new look for the San Clemente area thanks to the investments of the PNRR, thus starting with the reclamation of the first lot with public gardens, car parks and other connections accessible to all.
The San Clemente area is being renewed thanks to the investments of the PNRR, Casi: “The redevelopment of a historic part of the city is imminent”.
An equipped public garden, new parking lots and new roads: this will be the new face of the urban area between Porta San Clemente and Porta San Lorentino, area already characterized by places of social gathering and structures dedicated to organisers' activities athletic. This is a project that requires an investment of more than that 1 million and 100 thousand euros of which the council has approved the technical-economic feasibility and is about to approve the definitive project which has already been sent to the superintendence.
"Thanks to the funds PNRR we will soon proceed with the redevelopment of a part of the historic city which has been in situations of abandonment and decay for some time - explains councilor Alessandro Casi – A series of interventions that will enhance a large space in the neighborhood which will thus be returned to residents in its full functionality."
This is the first of the two lots into which the entire recovery work is divided and which includes interventions in the area which currently hosts an asphalt football field, an ice skating field and the disused basketball gym. Here they will be made a equipped public garden, new parking lots, new roads and a new connection with via Ghibellina via a pedestrian ramp and a staircase. Will also come integrated the plant of public lighting already existing, and they will be installed cameras closed circuit and created a flooring and tactile paths for visually impaired.
Il second lot provides for the implementation of new headquarters of the Florentine social aggregation center currently in via Vecchia.
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