Teramo: “Safe Summer” territorial control services are increased thanks to the helicopter of the 5th Carabinieri Helicopter Unit of Pescara

Also this morning the Carabinieri of the Alba Adriatica and Giulianova companies strengthened their territorial control services, covering the coastal strip and that immediately close to the coast.

Teramo: “Safe Summer” territorial control services are increased thanks to the helicopter of the 5th Carabinieri Helicopter Unit of Pescara.

Also this morning i Carabinieri from the Alba Adriatica and Giulianova companies have strengthened territorial control services by covering the coastal strip and that immediately close to the coast.

Also on this occasion the device was integrated by the helicopter of the 5th Carabinieri Helicopter Nucleus of Pescara, whose control from above gave safe and valid support by exploiting a complete view of the area to be monitored in order to be able to have patrols intervene from the ground where the intervention of the carabinieri was necessary.

There were numerous checks of people and vehicles checks on people subjected to restrictive measures other than prison detention. During the activities, the following people were reported to the Judicial Authority in particular:

To Giulianova the Carabinieri of the Operational Unit and Radiomobile reported two local subjects for trading in clothing bearing counterfeit industrial brands. Through web platforms, the two offered expensive designer clothes for sale, attributable to well-known brands but which in reality were imitations albeit of good quality. Following the search of their homes, various counterfeit items of clothing were found and seized.

In Alba Adriatica the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit they reported a person for drug dealing. The soldiers who were monitoring the streets that lead to the seafront, noticed a person who at their sight tried to quickly walk away. Stopped and searched, he was found in possession of a package containing approximately three grams of a narcotic substance of the "heroin" type. Immediate investigations by the Carabinieri allowed them to identify the person who had sold the substance who was reported to the Judicial Authority while the buyer was reported to the Prefecture of Teramo as a drug user.

In Tortoreto the military of the local station reported a foreigner to the Judicial Authority for having provided false attestations on his personal identity. The man checked near the seafront provided the military with false personal details which were discovered because he was subjected to photo identification.

These screening services will continue throughout the summer in order to ensure that those who have chosen the coast of the province of Teramo for their holidays can spend their holidays peacefully and to ensure the same tranquility for those who live there permanently.

Teramo: "Estate Sicura" i servizi di controllo del territorio si incrementano grazie all'elicottero del 5° Nucleo Elicotteri Carabinieri di Pescara

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