Teramo: Aiding prostitution and illegal immigration, expelled from Italian soil

Activities to combat irregular immigration carried out by the Teramo Police Headquarters

Teramo: Aiding prostitution and illegal immigration, expelled from Italian soil

As part of the services aimed at combating irregular immigration, with a provision by the Police Chief of the province of Teramo, the staff of the Immigration Office carried out the repatriation of a Moldovan citizen, burdened by numerous criminal records.

These measures are aimed at removing from the national territory foreign citizens responsible for serious drug-related crimes, aiding and abetting prostitution, aiding and abetting illegal immigration, mistreatment in the family, as well as crimes against the person and property.

Since the beginning of the year, a similar measure has been adopted against 10 foreigners who were physically escorted back to their countries of origin by State Police personnel, while A total of 43 expulsions were carried out by the Teramo Police Headquarters.

Teramo: Favoreggiamento della prostituzione e dell'immigrazione clandestina, espulso dal suolo italiano

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