Ancona, night of checks and complaints

Ancona, during the control of the territory, around 22.30 pm, the police identified a foreigner from Bangladesh with a police record in precarious physical and mental conditions.

The man wandered around the area shouting, sometimes he bent down and kissed the ground and smiled, then he suddenly took off trying to hit whoever was in front of him.

Accompanied to the police station he was taken to hospital for clinical investigations.

Immediately afterwards the same Volante came across 3 young people who were in a park in the Posatora area. Surprised, they tried to escape at the sight of the police car but were stopped and identified.

One of them was found in possession of hashish and marijuana with a total weight of approximately 16 grams.

All 3 were reported pursuant to art. 75 DPR 309/90 and the substance was seized.

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