Sora: Operation StarGate, arrests and removal from the province
The city of Sora she was awakened, at the first light of dawn yesterday, by the sound of the sirens of the cars of the Carabinieri of the Sora Company (FR) who, still in the darkness of the night, set off Operation called “STARGATE”.
In fact, from the early hours of the morning of November 19, the Carabinieri of all the departments of the Sora Company, more than 50 women and men of the Carabinieri, were engaged in a major operation to execute Personal Precautionary Measures for 6 People, all residents in the territory of the city of Volsca, members of a fierce group dedicated to the trafficking of narcotic substances of the worst kind, the heroine. Are four people ended up in prison, a fifth under house arrest ed a sixth who was notified of the "prohibition of access and residence" in the province of Frosinone. To provide further support to the operations, the Canine Units of the Carabinieri Canine Unit of Rome Santa Maria di Galeria.
The investigation has revealed how two distinct family units, both belonging to the Roma ethnic strains living in Sorano, had joined forces, even cohabiting, to manage a flourishing drug trafficking activity.
The Carabinieri have them intercepted for months, managing to capture and gradually reconstruct the complex "modus operandi". A series of telephone signals to then arrive at the "StarGate“, that is, the majestic entrance gate of the Villa where the two families lived, through which Customers would log in and stock up on the drug. In the slow and silent opening movement of that gate, the compendium of the suffering that so many people in the area experienced in continuously and repeatedly using drugs.
Numerous transfers were documented by the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of Sora, who conducted the operation under the strict direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Cassino. More than 1.200 heroin sales reconstructed by the NORM Military of Sora, for a turnover over €70.000 in just over three months of investigations.
There have been many findings, with people surprised immediately after purchasing the “stuff”. The communications had a cryptic language specifically designed by the drug dealers who were contacted on a single number registered to a non-existent person that the criminal group had procured. It was used an old generation phone, to arouse as little suspicion as possible and to offer investigators as few leads as possible.
All people known to the police, already with specific precedents for drug dealing, the six suspects and all traced by the Carabinieri during yesterday morning's operation.
The investigating judge of the Court of Cassino, agreeing with the investigative findings, the assessments and requests formulated by the Public Prosecutor's Office, on the basis of the investigations carried out by the Carabinieri of the NORM of Sora, has issued 4 Prison Detention Orders at the expense of DM respectively, 38enne, DC, 44 year old and his wife BV, 36enne, FROM, 37enne, the first three of Roma ethnicity, the fourth very close to the Sinti environment with which it has been connected for years. Instead, the house arrest in the municipality of residence, Broccostella, for the BA, 49enne. While for the 38 year old's wife, SS, 40 year old originally from Isernia, it was arranged prohibition of entry and residence in the province of Frosinone.
At the same time as the Personal Precautionary Measures were carried out, numerous searches, also with the support of Nathan, the anti-drug German shepherd from the Santa Maria di Galeria unit in Rome, to leave no stone unturned.
The four arrested persons destined for prison, three men and a woman, were transferred to the Cassino County Jails, men, and Rome Queen Coeli, the woman. The man was placed under house arrest and was accompanied to his home and subjected to obligations. The woman, wife of one of the arrested, who was banned from entering and residing in the province of Frosinone, had to leave Ciociaria. The Carabinieri who made sure of this ensured her presentation to a Command of the Arma in Molise.
Now the documents relating to the activities carried out yesterday will be made available to the sending Judicial Authority for the preparation of further activities, as a seal of a synergy that was once again successful and that allowed the dismantling of a criminal group that made social degradation and the difficulty of individuals the source of enrichment.
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