Sicily, Civil Protection: red alert for the Stromboli volcano.
La Civil protection has arranged the alert passage for the Stromboli volcano from the level Orange to the level red and the operational phase of early warning.
“The passage of the alert level is based on the reports of the phenomena and on the danger assessments made available by the Competence Centers”, is explained in a note. Raising the alert determines the strengthening of the volcano monitoring system and the information connection between the scientific community and the other components and operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service.
The decision to raise the alert for Stromboli to the red level “it was adopted in light of the assessments that emerged during the meeting with the Competence Centers and the Civil Protection Department of the Sicilian Region”. The meeting was called following the rapid evolution of the activities that are affecting the volcano. The passage of the alert level is based on the reports of the phenomena and on the danger assessments made available by the Competence Centers, which for Stromboli – as explained in the note from the Civil Protection – “they are the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Etna Observatory, Vesuvian Observatory and Palermo Section), the Cnr-Irea and the Universities of Florence, Palermo, Pisa and Turin”.
“With the transition to the Early Warning operational phase, the local level of civil protection is activated at the Advanced Operations Center – Coa, which will be supported by experts from the National Department of Civil Protection, ensuring liaison with the operational structures involved", underlines the Civil Protection, explaining that the mayor of the Municipality of Lipari, who took part in the meeting, “has already taken the first precautionary measures aimed at protecting the people present on the island. The mayor will be constantly informed about the evolution of the situation in order to guarantee constant and correct information to the population”.
Regardless of the local level volcanic phenomenologies, which can have frequent variations, a situation of potential imbalance in the volcano persists. “The population present on the island is therefore invited to keep themselves informed and to scrupulously follow the indications provided by the local civil protection authorities”, is the warning from the Civil Protection.
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