356 Tons of Honey Seized: It Was Bought Abroad, Treated and Resold as Italian

Result of the collaboration between the ICQRF and the Special Goods and Services Unit of the Financial Police

356 tons of honey seized: it was bought abroad, treated and resold as Italian.

Thanks to the synergistic contribution between the Department of MASAF – ICQRF and the Special Component of Finance Guard, in May 2023 the Project Action called “Honey 2023”.

The initiative aimed to combat illicit activities in production, import and marketing of honey in the national territory. In particular, the objective of the project was to protect Italian production from potential commercial interference caused by flow of low-quality foreign honey. The project was conceived with the aim of preventing market distortions and frauds, such asItalianization of products of foreign origin, passed off as Made in Italy. These low quality products of dubious origin are sold at high prices, taking advantage of the renowned quality of national honey.

Through a study of the sector and an analysis of the context, the flows of products coming from abroad were identified (European Union and non-EU) to consequently also identify the subjects to be subjected to control.

Through this careful analysis, during the year 2023, checks and samplings of products intended for trade throughout the national territory were carried out. Furthermore, vchecks at production plants and commercial intermediaries with the simultaneous execution of sampling of products in transit from abroad and intended for sale in the EU.

The results of the collaboration between the ICQRF and the Special Unit for Goods and Services of the Guardia di Finanza have led to the identification of administrative and criminal violations connected to the importation of low-cost honey from various countries, in particular China.

The project, developed at central level, then saw the territorial departments of the Guardia di Finanza and the territorial offices and laboratories of the ICQRF operating in the executive phase, in close collaboration, which proceeded according to the directives of the TERR General Directorate and the General Command of the Yellow Flames. Overall, thanks to the design operation they were 356 tons of irregular honey seized, preventing low-quality products from ending up on the Italian market with a commercial value exceeding one million euros.

The results of the activities carried out led to the detection of administrative violations, with the seizure of honey coming from Argentina, Brazil, China, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Ukraine and United Kingdom. The main analytical violations, detected by the ICQRF Laboratories, concerned the adulteration of honey through the addition of exogenous sugars and the use of unauthorized treatments, while the violations relating to consumer information requirements concerned the false indication of provenance and the lack of traceability of processed and packaged products.

The planned action made it possible to enhance the investigative cooperation activity between the Special Component of the Financial Police and the ICQRF, as highlighted in the "2023 Activity Report" of the Inspectorate published on the MASAF website and presented on 9 April 2024 at the multipurpose room of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The results of the operation demonstrate the importance of synergistic action between the forces of the State for the protection of Made in Italy and consumers, as well as representing a further step towards the protection of Italian agriculture and in the fight against food counterfeiting.

«I thank the ICQRF and the Financial Police for the important results achieved in defending our honey production and protecting the people who purchase it. This operation demonstrates, once again, the importance of strengthening the synergistic action between the forces of the State for the protection of Made in Italy. From the very beginning, the Meloni Government has invested in this direction, strengthening coordination against fraud and counterfeiting attempts in the agri-food market, also through the Joint Control Room and most recently with the provisions included in the Agriculture Decree. Made in Italy is synonymous with quality and it is essential to maintain a high commitment to enhancing our excellence", declared the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida.

Sequestrate 356 tonnellate di miele

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