San Pietro di Caridà, four marijuana plantations discovered

Thanks to the territory control operation and the identification of indica hemp plantations by the Carabinieri, the cultivation of four marijuana plantations was brought to light. Over 2500 plants destroyed, thus avoiding the production of 500.000 doses.

San Pietro di Caridà (Reggio Calabria), four marijuana plantations discovered

As part of a territorial control service aimed at identifying indica hemp plantations, the Carabinieri of the Gioia Tauro Company, together with the military of the Vibo Valentia Helicopter Unit, they found four plantations, one of which was of considerable size.

Thanks to the view from above, indeed, the military was able to locate the plantations, all found in rural areas, completely hidden from view and with an irrigation system obtained through two different methods. In one case, the water to water the plantation was supplied via a complex water system that made use of a tub and a tank, each with a capacity of approximately 500 litres. From these the water supply was obtained via an underground pipe illegally connected to the municipal water system. Le three other plantations, instead, they had direct access to river water via a series of pipes which allowed irrigation.

Among the hemp plants found, the Carabinieri have identified two distinct types: some shrubs reached heights varying between 100 and 250 cm, while around 1200 plants belonged to the "dwarf" variety, with stems of around 70 cm.

The discovery made it possible to extinguish four marijuana cultivation sites that would have been placed on the illegal drug market for an illicit gain of tens of thousands of euros.

These controls, that you they will intensify further in the next few days throughout the province of Reggio, allow you to send a clear message to combat the illegal drug marketto. The force will continue to represent a defense of legality and justice against all forms of illegality.

The Carabinieri not only do they fight criminal activities but they are also engaged in community activities on a daily basis. They they play a fundamental role in ensuring the safety and well-being of local communities through meetings with citizens, educational activities in schools and initiatives aimed at promoting the culture of legality.

The Carabinieri continues to work side by side with citizens, listening to their concerns and responding to their needs to build a safer and more just society together.

San Pietro di Caridà, scoperte quattro piantagioni di marijuana

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