San Leucio del Sannio, Benevento. Execution of 4 orders for the crimes of torture, kidnapping and robbery, committed against three young people, one of whom is a minor

One of the young people even lost consciousness but as soon as he recovered they ordered him to move on all fours on the floor and make dog noises and continued to kick him until he caused spontaneous defecation, then forcing him to stay on the balcony due to the bad smell that emanated.

San Leucio del Sannio, Benevento. Execution of 4 orders for the crimes of torture, kidnapping and robbery, committed against three young people, one of whom was a minor.

Yesterday morning, as a result of investigative activities coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Benevento, soldiers from the Carabinieri Company of Benevento and the Carabinieri Station of San Leucio del Sannio executed an order for the application of precautionary custodial measures issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations at the Court of Benevento against four men, residents of Benevento, one taken to prison and the other three subjected to house arrest with control using an electronic bracelet, all seriously suspected in various capacities of crimes of torture, kidnapping and robbery, committed against three young people residing in San Leucio del Sannio, one of whom is under the age of eighteen.

The investigation began with the control of a car in San Leucio del Sannio by a patrol of soldiers from the local Carabinieri station, which took place late at night in December 2023; on board the vehicle, the Carabinieri found three male people, a fifty-two year old, a twenty-two year old and, in the back of the passenger compartment, a twenty-year-old, who showed signs of violence on his face; not believing the version immediately given by those arrested regarding the cause of these injuries, the Carabinieri decided to investigate further and learned how the boy had been beaten by the two men present on board the vehicle, inside a house located in Benevento , where they still found two of his friends, one of whom was under the age of eighteen, monitored by two other individuals, father and son, who prevented him from going out. After a few minutes the other two boys arrived in San Leucio del Sannio accompanied by other people, the soldiers, having informed the medical staff for the necessary treatment of the injured young people, immediately acquired the first important elements useful for the reconstruction of what happened, including images extrapolated from video surveillance systems.

During further investigations, carried out with the support of the Radiomobile Operations Unit of the Carabinieri Company of Benevento, the victims and various people informed about the facts were interviewed, video surveillance images and bank documentation were analyzed and telephone traffic data was acquired.

The investigative activity carried out made it possible to acquire serious indications of guilt against the four people receiving the precautionary measure in relation to the following facts: the three young people, who went to a house located in Rione Libertà in Benevento to peacefully resolve an argument that had occurred a few days earlier with some peers, were seized for several hours inside the house, beaten and tortured, even with the use of weapons (including knives and a truncheon), by the four men receiving precautionary custody measures.

Two of the young people were subjected to treatment degrading their dignity for several hours on the night between 17 and 18 December, in particular they were repeatedly beaten with kicks to the head, with chairs and a truncheon, hit with a knife and subjected to further harassment including forcing them to clean up their blood repeatedly and then returning to hit them and repeatedly simulating piercing their hands with the knife, all accompanied by serious threats and insults. One of the young people even lost consciousness but as soon as he recovered they ordered him to move on all fours on the floor and make dog noises and continued to kick him until he caused spontaneous defecation, then forcing him to stay on the balcony due to the bad smell that emanated. Hence the charge of the serious crime of torture, provided for by art. 613 bis paragraphs 1 and 4 of the criminal code, aggravated by injuries as well as the crimes of kidnapping and robbery.

In the same context, the three victims' cell phones, sums of cash and the car with which they had arrived in Benevento were stolen. This car, in particular, had been used by kidnappers to transport offended people to automatic bank machines and force them to make withdrawals from current accounts; Indeed, a withdrawal of money had been made by one of the victims, beaten and threatened, in San Giorgio del Sannio just a few minutes before the casual intervention of the military patrol from the local Carabinieri station which was checking the vehicle.

On the basis of the elements collected, the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Benevento, sharing the request of the Prosecutor's Office, issued the precautionary measures carried out, in consideration of the extreme seriousness of the facts and the danger of repetition of crimes of the same type as those ascertained, applying the measure of precautionary custody in prison against the man, living inside the apartment where the torture took place, already burdened by precedents, unlike the other three, subjected to house arrest with electronic monitoring devices. On the occasion of the execution, one of the recipients of the measures was also arrested red-handed for possession of various narcotic substances.

San Leucio del Sannio, Benevento. Esecuzione di 4 ordinanze per i reati di tortura, sequestro di persona e rapina, commessi ai danni di tre giovani, di cui un minorenne.

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