Again, “Safe Stations” operation: 4 reports
In the stations of Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo
Again, “Safe Stations” operation: 4 reports.
844 people checked, 283 bags inspected, 33 stations affected, 4 people reported, 1 contested administrative sanction. They are these the results of the “Safe Stations” operation in the three regions of competence of the Department Railway Police for the Marche, Umbria e Abruzzo.
The extraordinary operation, dedicated to the fight against illicit activities and the prevention of crimes, is one of the initiatives organized periodically, on a national scale, by the Railway Police Service to increase the safety levels of travelers who move using the railway by strengthening of surveillance and control services. The activity takes on particular importance on these days when the stations are busier by people who use trains to return home after a holiday period.
During the operations, the agents of the San Benedetto del Tronto Polfer reported the crime of attack on transport safety four boys is they had put a bike on the tracks in Grottammare station to take a selfie. Fortunately, the incident did not cause any accidents or damage.
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