Rome, railways: more than 30 thousand people checked; 12 arrested for theft, pickpocketing, extortion and judicial measures.

31523 people checked in the territory of Rome and the province in the railway sector in the last 4 weeks, 1156 directly on board the various trains.

Rome. The State Police in the railway sector, in recent weeks: more than 30 thousand people checked; 12 arrested for theft, pickpocketing, extortion and judicial measures.

31523 people checked in the territory of Rome and the province in the railway sector in the last 4 weeks, 1156 directly on board the various trains.
During the weekend just gone, the Judicial Police team of the Railway Police Department for Lazio, i.e. the investigators who operate in the railway sector throughout the region, during the usual services aimed at the prevention and repression of widespread crime, arrested a person, for the crime of theft of numerous items of clothing.

In particular, during a check-up inside the Rome Termini railway station, they went inside a well-known commercial establishment in the station where the attention of the Railway Police officers was attracted by a woman who, after wandering around in an suspicious among the goods on display, she entered a dressing room with some items of clothing, and then quickly left.

The woman approached near the tills and once passed she quickly left without paying. The police, together with the security personnel of the business, stopped her immediately afterwards. She as well as having been found in possession of the previously stolen items of clothing, she also had a tool for removing the anti-shoplifting devices, which were subsequently found inside the cabin where she had previously entered. An identity card and a health card were also found inside the woman's wallet, documents which, from a database check, appeared to have been reported as lost last March. The stolen goods, worth hundreds of euros, were simultaneously returned to the Director of the commercial establishment upon complaint/complaint at the Polfer offices.

This is just the latest of 12 arrests made in the railway sector over the last few weeks; 10 people were arrested on serious suspicion of theft/pickpocketing, one of whom was also found in possession of false documents; one person was wanted as the recipient of a judicial order and another was arrested because she allegedly committed extortion against an elderly woman; specifically, together with other accomplices, she allegedly carried out a so-called scam against the elderly in the province of Padua with the technique of fake arrest of the family member. Scam that would have yielded more than 50 thousand euros.

Roma. La Polizia di Stato in ambito ferroviario, nelle ultime settimane: più di 30 mila persone controllate; 12 arrestate per furti, borseggi, estorsioni e provvedimenti giudiziaria.

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