
Rome, Primavalle: State Police blitz, a young man arrested with more than 700 grams of drugs

The shared goal is to keep the attention of the police high even in the outskirts of the city.

Rome, Primavalle: State Police blitz, a young man arrested with more than 700 grams of drugs

Security and fight against predatory crimes and drug dealing: these are the pillars of the further "high impact" operation launched by the State Police on the afternoon of November 12 in the neighbourhood of SpringvalleyThe shared goal is to keep the attention of the police high even in the outskirts of the city.

An inter-force task force that saw the agents of the XIV Primavalle District, the Administrative Division, the Highway Police, the Crime Prevention Department, the UPGSP and the Guardia di Finanza operate in synergy, with the valuable support of the canine units.

A strategy that is part of the security planning of the Rome police headquarters in view of the Holy Year and which aims at a comprehensive protection of the city for intercept those situations of illegality that could constitute a threat to the safety of citizens and tourists.

Roma, Primavalle: blitz della Polizia di Stato, arrestato un giovane con più di 700 grammi di droga

Various areas of the zone were combed through, where special checkpoints were set up within which More than 300 people identified; Instead, 150 vehicles were checked.

During the operation, a young man was then targeted by the police and found in possession of more than 700 grams of narcotic substance between hashish and cocaine thanks to the nose of the drug-sniffing dog. The boy, who had been under investigation by the Primavalle District agents for some time, allegedly used an uninhabited apartment as a drug dealing base to evade police checks. The young man is thus ended up in handcuffs and on the morning of November 13th the judicial authority has the arrest was validated against him.

Roma, Primavalle: blitz della Polizia di Stato, arrestato un giovane con più di 700 grammi di droga

Thirty, again, the administrative penalties high for violations of the highway code. Two of the drivers fined were also reported to the judicial authorities for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Also in the crosshairs of the controls commercial activities and slot machine halls. Thirteen thousand euros is the overall total of the administrative sanctions that were contested to the owners of a slot machine hall in Piazza Clemente – for having installed unauthorised cameras inside it – and of a bar in via di Torrevecchia, For serious hygiene and health deficiencies detected. In both cases, the officers of the Administrative Police Division found non-compliance with the ordinances regulating the hours of operation of the VLTs.

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