
Rome, police brutally attacked in a condominium, two injured, one to the skull

The Police Union Federation (Fsp): “Delegitimized and criminalized, but colleagues suffer violence of all kinds every day”

Rome, police officers brutally attacked in a condominium, two injured, one to the skull.

The Police Union Federation (Fsp): “Delegitimized and criminalized, but colleagues suffer violence of all kinds every day”.

After the release of document signed by ECRI of the Council of Europe – the body created in 1949 after the Second World War to promote democracy and rights on the continent – ​​which has sparked outrage in Italy with the publication of a harsh report drawn up by the commission against racism and intolerance, precisely the ECRI, composed of 46 independent experts (one for each member country), according to which document, the Italian police conducts “racial profiling” during its activities – especially towards Roma and people of African origin – while politics in recent years has become increasingly “xenophobic”, with a “divisive” public debate on foreigners and LGBTI people.

These statements have aroused the indignation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the astonishment of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, where the head of state himself Mattarella, in a telephone call, expressed to the head of the Police, the prefect Vittorio Pisani, “esteem and closeness” to the police and the Prime Minister herself Giorgia Meloni “revolted” against the ECRI assessments by declaring: “Our forces are made up of men and women who, every day, work with dedication and self-denial to ensure the safety of all citizens, without distinction, deserving respect, not such insults.”

polizia di stato

The leader of the League is even more clear-cut Matteo Salvini, according to whom "women and men in uniform have been shamefully attacked by a useless organization also paid for by the taxes of Italian citizens". “If these gentlemen like Roma and illegal immigrants so much – added Deputy Prime Minister Salvini – they should take them all home to Strasbourg”. The criticisms also came clearly from Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who declared: “I don’t agree with a word of what has been written, I exclude that there are racist agents, carabinieri, policemen or financial police”.

And Valter Mazzetti, Secretary General of the Fsp Polizia di Stato, also expressed his opinion on the “affront” against the Italian Police Forces, citing the latest case of violence and aggression suffered by officers on duty for the good and safety of the country and its citizens: “The latest episode of aggression against police officers that occurred today in Rome, where colleagues were attacked in a condominium, is the latest confirmation of the fact that the police force, increasingly subject to attempts at delegitimization and criminalization, are the real targets in the sights of habitual criminals but also of the many who are animated by the most total contempt for the rules and institutions certain of being able to get away with it. While there are those who point to uniformed officers as racist and violent, the truth remains that they work tirelessly for security, paying the price out of their own skin and, often, without being able to defend themselves”.

Valter Mazzetti, Segretario generale Fsp Polizia di Stato
Valter Mazzetti, Secretary General Fsp State Police


Thus Valter Mazzetti, Secretary General of the Fsp State Police, after today in Rome, in the Fidene neighborhood, four police officers intervened to quell a violent fight in an apartment and were physically attacked by other tenants of the condominium. Further reinforcements were needed to contain the situation, which had suddenly degenerated, and ended with two men and a woman being taken to the local police station and two officers being taken to hospital, one with a slight skull fracture and a 20-day prognosis.

“While we are getting lost in useless and squalid politically motivated controversies about the police – adds the Secretary of the FSP of Rome, Massimo Nisida -, we continue to count the wounded who leave the hospital and return to put their health, serenity, and private and professional life at stake to fulfill their duty. It is time to put things back in the right perspective and understand that the Servants of the State deserve protection, with serious measures, and above all respect. Politics must intervene immediately: derogating the benefits of the law for those who attack the Police Forces must be a priority. Specific measures are needed to ensure that those who attack men and women in uniform serve the right sentence, without any type of alternative measure to detention in prison. The Italian Police Forces are among the best in the world in terms of professionalism, but without the appropriate legal instruments and the certainty of punishment we cannot protect ourselves or the citizens”.

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