
Rome: He had attacked his victims by punching them in the face to take away their iPhone, thirty-one year old of Senegalese origin arrested by the State Police

He would choose his victims among the tourists, then approach them to rob them of their cell phones and, when they tried to react, he would attack them with punches in the face.

Rome: he attacked his victims by punching them in the face to take away their iPhone, thirty-one year old of Senegalese origin arrested by the State Police.

He would choose his victims among the tourists, then approach them to rob them of their cell phones and, when they tried to react, he would attack them with punches in the face.

For a 31-year-old Senegalese citizen, following the investigations conducted by the State Police agents of the XNUMXst District Trevi – Campo Marzio, the restrictive measure of precautionary custody in prison was triggered, ordered by the GIP of the Court of Rome at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office.

The investigation, conducted by the police of the 1st Trevi – Campo Marzio District and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office, originates from two incidents that occurred in the centre of the capital to the detriment of two Dutch tourists and an American student.

The first episode dates back to December 2023, when the man, outside a pub on Via Plebiscito, approached two Dutch tourists and deftly stole the iPhone from one of the two's pockets. The victims immediately noticed what was happening and tried to prevent his escape, but the man promptly reacted by punching them in the face and then running away.

The other episode, later reconstructed by the agents, occurred just a month later in via Sforza Cesarini. On that occasion, an American student, while he was walking, was approached by a man – presumably of North African origin, according to him – who, on a scooter, had pulled up alongside him with the excuse of asking for directions and, in the meantime, had put his arm around his neck to block him and steal his cell phone. That time too, when the victim tried to break free, the man had reacted by hitting him on the head and then running away.

The dynamics of both episodes were reconstructed by the police of the 1st Trevi – Campo Marzio District, who, thanks to the descriptions provided by the victims in the complaint and the photographic reconnaissance of the attackers, were able to trace the alleged robber.

The ones who framed him were the same police officers who a few days ago, during a patrol in plain clothes, recognized him in via Del Corso while he was walking with friends. With the excuse of a police check, the officers stopped him and declared him under arrest because he was seriously suspected of the crime of aggravated robbery.

The man, now in prison, was taken to the Regina Coeli prison.

Roma: aveva aggredito le sue vittime colpendole con pugni al volto per portargli via l'I-Phone, trentunenne di origini senegalesi arrestato dalla Polizia di Stato.

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