Rome, elderly woman killed by mistake on the street: two 20-year-olds arrested

The Police identified the perpetrators: a 24-year-old of Romanian origins and a 23-year-old of Peruvian origins

Rome, elderly woman killed by mistake on the street: two 20-year-olds arrested.

Breakthrough in the investigationmurder of Caterina Ciurleo, the 81-year-old accidentally killed by a gunshot while she was in the car with a friend on the outskirts of Rome last May 24th.

The police officers of the Flying Squad of the Rome Police Headquarters, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of the Capitoline Prosecutor's Office, they arrested two people. It is a 24 year old of Romanian origins and 23 year old of Peruvian origins.

The story had caused amazement and shock due to the manner of the woman's death, heightening the issue of the safety of the city and its suburbs. The two arrests give a turning point to the investigation and now clarify the contours of the murder.

According to investigators, the two arrested were aboard the car, a red Fiat 500, from which the shots were fired. The moments of the murder were also immortalized by a video from the surveillance cameras in which the red car is seen arriving, pulling alongside the woman's blue smart car and then running away.

The Flying Squad investigators immediately reconstructed that the woman was not the real target of the ambush, as the shots (at least 5 9 calibers) they had been fired in the direction of another car which was in the same lane as the victim's.

Roma, anziana uccisa per errore in strada arrestati due 20enni

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