Rome, child pornography material online: two arrests

Thanks to an anti-child pornography operation carried out between Rome and Naples, the State Police has issued a search against eight individuals living in Naples, Caserta, Avellino and Rome. They are accused of having shared online videos that recorded abuse of children, even very young ones. The suspects had done everything to hide their identities. Two people were also arrested

Rome, child pornography material online: two arrests

As part of a complex investigative activity aimed at combating online child pornography, State Police executed a search warrant issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office Naples against eight individuals domiciled in the provinces of Naples, Caserta, Avellino and Rome, investigated for possession of child pornography.

During the activities, computer inspections and analyzes of the phones of the suspects were carried out, that have allowed the acquisition of significant elements evidence in this regard their involvement in online sharing of videos depicting sexual abuse of young children, even newborns, and that they brought – precisely for thelarge quantity of illicit material detained – upon arrest in flagrante delicto of two forty-eight year olds, one from Naples and the other from Avellino.

The survey, carried out by the Operations Center for Cyber ​​Security Campania of the Postal Police on behalf of the IV Section - Vulnerable Groups of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Naples, and with coordination of the National Center for Combating Online Child Pornography (CNCPO) of Rome, originated from a report concerning Italian users involved in the possession and distribution of child pornography material on a well-known social network received through international police cooperation channels.

Despite the suspects, to remain anonymous, had created social profiles through which to carry out the illicit conduct, using of email boxes opened with fictitious data and accessing through “open” Wi-Fi networks or registered to third parties, the investigations and analysis of thousands of connections carried out by cyber investigators However, it made it possible to identify them.

The suspects are to be considered not guilty until a final sentence is reached

Roma, materiale pedopornografico in rete: due arresti

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