Rome, 30-year-old prisoner takes his own life in Rebibbia.
An inmate committed suicide at Rebibbia (Rome). With this, they rise to 59 suicides since the beginning of the year in Italian prisons. He makes it known Gennarino De Fazio, general secretary of Uilpa penitentiary police.
«About thirty years old, Italian, he was found hanged in his cell in the G12 department of the prison. The rescue efforts were of no avail. This is yet another suicide, to which we must add the 6 members of the prison police who took their own lives", explains De Fazio.
«The extraordinary commissioner for prison construction has already failed in past years, if the Meloni government really wanted to add an extraordinary commissioner to the 59 already appointed, it could have foreseen one for the prison emergency", he adds De Fazio.
An episode that fuels pressure on the government regarding the issue of prisons. «The majority continues to ignore the massacre. They postponed the Giachetti proposal which intervened in the present to discuss a legislative decree which will not change anything immediately" said Paul Ciani, deputy group leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber and secretary of Demos.
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