Rimini, inflicts two stab wounds suddenly after an argument. The State Police arrests a suspect for attempted murder

After threatening him by holding a knife towards his throat, he chased him out of a public place

Rimini, inflicts two stab wounds suddenly after an argument. LThe State Police arrests a suspect for attempted murder.

In recent days, checks have been intensified by the State Police in the southern area of ​​Rimini. The patrols of the patrol cars focused, in particular, on the control of people and vehicles, as well as clubs and bars. During the various checks, late yesterday afternoon, a police car arrested a foreign citizen, under investigation for attempted murder and recipient of "an order for the application of the precautionary custody measure in prison", issued by the Court of Alessandria.

The man following a argument started for trivial reasons with an acquaintance of his, after having it threatened holding a knife addressed to throat, he would have chased him out of a public place and, once he reached him, he would have given him two stab wounds suddenly and repeatedly. The events occurred last September in Acqui Terme, in the province of Alessandria.

Following notification of the provision, the individual was associated with the local prison available to the competent judicial authority. The checks in the southern area of ​​Rimini will continue in the next few days.

Rimini, infligge due coltellate in maniera repentina dopo un diverbio. La Polizia di Stato arresta un indagato per tentato omicidio

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