Marche, rigged tenders on river auctions in the Region: an official and 7 entrepreneurs arrested

The official is in prison, the entrepreneurs are under house arrest

Marche, rigged tenders on river auctions in the Region: an official and 7 entrepreneurs arrested.

In these hours 90 Forestry Carabinieri from the Groups of Ancona, Ascoli Piceno, Macerata, Pesaro Urbino and Arezzo are completing a complex investigative activity which has led to the execution of personal precautionary measures against 8 people, ordered by the GIP of the Tribunal of Ancona, in the context of an investigation that began in 2021, direct dat the Ancona Prosecutor's Office and conducted by the soldiers of the city's Forestry Carabinieri Group Doric. 

A public official, employee of the Marche Region, resident in the Province of Ancona was taken to prison and 7 other entrepreneurs - of which 4 are residents of the Province of Ancona, 2 in Province of Ascoli Piceno and 1 in the Province of Arezzo - were placed under house arrest, accused to have set up a ring of bribes to pilot tenders and assignments of works by the Marche Region (formerly Civil Engineering) for interventions along the river banks of the Region related to hydraulic maintenance with extensive cutting of riparian tree vegetation for obtain fuel biomass. 

The military also carried out several personal and home searches on Mr n. 15 indagati, including the recipients of precautionary measures - accusati in various capacities for the crimes of corruption, troubledvat auction, truffa aggravated athe damages of the Marche Region, false and revelation of office secrets. In total, 26 sites were searched, of which 9 company headquarters, 1 regional office located in Pesaro and 15 homes including that of a regional manager currently not under investigation.

Investigative activity

The indinvestigations began in 2021 following a series of investigative activities condcome on Forest Carabinieri of Ancona and Ascoli Piceno who had reported to the competent authorities Public Prosecutor's Office to carry out some interventions on rivers for purposes of combating the hydraulic risk and hydrogeological instability, including huge cuts of riparian vegetation, in defiance of the regulationsaexaggerated and environmental.

According to the Forestry Carabinieri, hypotheses later also confirmed by the consultants of the Public Prosecutor's Office Ancona, glthe interventions had substantially undermined the healthiness of the river ecosystems for the sole purpose of obtaining maximum profits from the marketing of the woody material produced by the interventions. 

The accused

The organic analysis of the crime information presented in the various provinces then allowed the Ancona Prosecutor's Office to begin a'activities investigatedva more incisive chand has brought ad hypothesize a consolidated system of “favors and bribes", roriented to influence the outcomes of the tenders for the awarding of works along the rivers of the Marche region by the Marche Region (ex Civil engineering).

Of the 24-indagati, 10 entrepreneurs, residents in the Provinces of Ancona, Ascoli Piceno, Pesaro Urbino and Arezzo, and 1 official from the Marche Region (ex Genius Civil) of Pesaro Urbino, are accused of corruption; in fact, numerous indications of monetary bribes have emerged e in usefulness perceived by the official to provide entrepreneurs with information useful for influencing the outcomes of tenderspphigh.

Rigged tenders

Il official arrested, employed in collaboration with 2 colleaguesti in the Province of Pesaro Urbino, it would appear that he also worked hard for conhear from one of the corrupting companies to win the ribasso d'auction for a job in the Province of Pesaro Urbino, through false integrations of jobs in reality May made, but regularly liquidated laid down by the Marche region. 

Among the knowgjets investigated for disturbance d'auction there are also 2 officials from the Marche Region (ex Civil Engineering) of Ascoli Piceno, which would have influenced the outcome di an important race del value of 900.000 euros for works on river banks to be carried out in the Municipality of Ripatransone (AP).

From investigative activities withdEighth it emerged that the two Ascoli businessmen arrested, dopo thatre venuti acowe knownza of the ga noticera, have identified conniving companies, alcune of which contacted by the official of the Marche Region (formerly Civil Engineering) of Pesaro, con le which si would be agreed for present a piloted offer e Than we win the'appalto: all in collaboration with the Ascoli officials who worked to invite offers to be submitted to the companies indicated by the entrepreneurs themselves.

Corruption in public works

Le in complex situations investigations have led to the hypothesis of disruption and corruption in at least 5 public works, appaltated by the Marche Region (formerly Civil Engineers), dei of which 2 in the province of Ancona, 2 in the province of Pesaro Urbino and 1 in the province of APiceno drains, Pfor a total amount supfront a 1.200.000 euro. In particular, the official arrested, even with collaboration of others two colleghi not investigated for corruption but in various capacities for forgery and revelation of official secrets, would have worked to favor businesses "friends”, influencing the outcomes of competitions through information revelations confidential.

The advantages perceived by the official accused of corruption, offered dto the entrepreneurs involved, would have consisted, among other things, of supplies of firewood, nell'use of vehicle with fuel and other costs to be paid by the entrepreneur, in payment for a graduation party, in lunches or dinners restaurant, in mechanical and electronic repair interventions on motor vehicles, in supplies of phones e di tablet and a large quantity of locally produced extra virgin olive oil. The precautionary measures issued relate to the preliminary investigation phase and remain without prejudice to theadefinitive determination of responsibilityonsability.

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