Ribera (AG), a bathing establishment seized

Unauthorized illegal occupation on state-owned maritime land and presence of two illegal workers

Ribera (AG), a bathing establishment seized.

Checks on beach establishments are intensifying on the Agrigento coast in view of the hot summer weeks.

Numerous operations by the police forces aimed at preventing and repressing phenomena of bad nightlife, in locality Secca Grande of the Municipality of Ribera (AG). 

On Sunday 19 June, a joint check at a bathing establishment in Ribera (AG) involved: the Administrative Police Team of the Sciacca Police, the soldiers of the Sciacca Financial Police, the soldiers of the Porto Empedocle Coast Guard and the personnel inspector of the ASP of Agrigento.

The checks revealed more than one irregularity: unauthorized illegal occupation on state-owned maritime land, lack of licence of Public Security and the presence of two illegal workers.

Regarding compliance with health and hygiene standards, things are even worse: discovery the presence of fish products that are not fresh but frozen and of ingredients that are not properly labeled and expired food products.

The agents' activity prevented unpleasant inconveniences and disservices for possible patrons of the structure. After all the necessary checks and authorizations, the place was seized. The reopening will be subject to prior verification by the competent authorities.

guardia costiera

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