Sicily Region: 883 million allocated for the tender for extra-urban public transport. Objective: to create a more efficient service and guarantee jobs

The total amount of the service auction base is just over 883 million euros (including VAT), the duration of the assignment is nine years. The routes to be covered envisaged by the tender amount to over 53 million kilometers, to which are added the 11.850 million kilometers assigned "in house" to Ast. For a total of 65 million kilometers, 4,4 percent more than the current distances.

Sicily Region: 883 million allocated for the tender for extra-urban public transport. Objective: to create a more efficient service and guarantee jobs.

Enter the executive phase the procedure for the assignment of extra-urban local public passenger transport services on coaches in Sicily. The regional department of Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport, as provided for by the new procurement code, notified the specifications with the request for quotation to the companies that had expressed their willingness to participate in the European tender launched on March 28. The deadline for submitting the documentation is October 28th.

«It is a turning point for the regional public transport service – says the regional councillor for Transport and Mobility, Alessandro Aricò -. For the first time we are proceeding through a public tender procedure. This, together with the requirements established by the notice, will allow us to guarantee Sicilians efficient, modern and high-quality connections throughout the Sicilian territory for a significant period of time. We have reserved a portion of the routes to Ast, for ensure its operability, a fundamental premise for the project to relaunch and enhance the company. Furthermore, the social clause will ensure employment levels and the future of workers of transport companies who will have to be absorbed by the companies awarded the service».

The total amount of the service at the auction is just over 883 million euros (including VAT), the duration of the contract is nine years. The routes to be covered envisaged by the tender amount to over 53 million kilometres, to which are added the 11.850 million kilometres assigned "in house" to Ast. For a total of 65 million kilometers, 4,4 percent more than current mileages.

The procedure involves the division of the regional territory into four lots: the first concerns the Palermo and Trapani basin, for 13.794.400 kilometers; the second includes the territories of Catania, Ragusa and Syracuse, for 10.259.863 kilometers; the third the province of Messina, for 9.877.015 kilometers and, finally, the fourth concerns the territories of the provinces of Agrigento, Caltanissetta and Enna, for 18.895.685 kilometers.

The procedure establishes, in addition to the technical requirements to carry out the requested public transport services, some adjustments to bus equipment to improve travel conditions for users. In particular, the buses will have to have: a single livery; LED dials to indicate the route; a snack and drink dispenser; the toilet, in those used on long-distance or inter-provincial routes; on-board Wi-Fi; TVs and charging plugs for cell phones and IT devices; finally, they must provide easy access on board for passengers with disabilities.

Regione Sicilia: stanziati 883 milioni per il bando del trasporto pubblico extraurbano. Obiettivo: creare un servizio più efficiente e garantire posti di lavoro

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